Trudeau is cooking up the game plan. Obviously win win shared losses is the most ideal solution as U need stability to grow not volatility. But this isn't where it ends, he said all options on the table if their isn't someone reasonable to negotiate with.
All options can only mean lose lose and who loses more and is resilient, it's like a tug of war, U won't walk away in bruised
Win lose is usually the short game so u can't use that in politics as u need stability.
Where Canada hurt America the most in terms of American exports, ideally making sure they suffocate with as many job losses? Tell your consumers the truth, ur predicted to lose 500,000 jobs from trump tariff and will reciprocate the pain in America job market also. It's only justice in loss loss and then it's whose more resilient determines winner. If the scale isn't large from Canada they can always use Commonwealth strategy and tell them your going to be tariffed also let's combine together a posture.
The biggest thing to hurt America is a shift from its geopolitical alliances which is quite difficult since it's an alliance beyond interests. If that happened with the America dollar removed from petrol dollar absolutely mayhem would happen there, I don't even think that's wise cause it will create great void but they need to cook up a migration or a transition path off the global usd with china.
Trudeau can start with Hollywood big exporter for them guys, get indian and Chinese out of silicon valley. U can do many multiposture global hits on them where it doesn't flow on too much to others. Then wall st is the big one, funding out foreign share and then finally petto dollar, but it has to be gradual so it's not complete voids. Plus U need to get your foreign reserve out gradually without to much loss and slap yuan on it.
America is all theatre today in reality propped up by Baghdad bob rhetorics to conceal it's weakness. Listen all they have is a service industry there, that's just selling stuff or providing non tangible thing. It's an isbaaro at the end of the product chain.
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