Canadian Liberals set to form a majority in next elections


Staff Member
Ekos is a Liberal pollster and the least reliable in polling. Also, it's just a bump for the new leader. The Conservatives will win in the spring. The Liberals are more rightwing than the Conservatives now but can thank Trump.



Bantu Liberation Movement
Ekos is a Liberal pollster and the least reliable in polling. Also, it's just a bump for the new leader. The Conservatives will win in the spring. The Liberals are more rightwing than the Conservatives now but can thank Trump.

I don't care about Canadian politics, I just wanted you to be worng.



LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
The conservatives signed their death warrant by supporting trump for re election they thought that if he gets into office he’ll openly endorse them which would gain them more popularity amongst the far right in Canada.

What they didn’t account for was the fact that trump is a backstabbing c*nt that basically declared war on us the second he touched office now the far right and the leftists tired of Trudeau and switched to the cons think the party are traitors and will sell us out if they win. Pierre had it in the bag but at the last second managed to colossally f*ck up and lose lots of votes in the process. I have to give Trudeau credit for taking advantage and calling Trump out telling him fukk you cause now he looks way more patriotic then his foe who hasn’t said anything reassuring about how he’ll handle the tarrif wars and trumps hostility.

If the liberals run off with the win it will be the upset of the century and I’m honestly rooting for them.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
It’s going to be a close race.

If the liberals win it’ll be another 4 years of their reign. They’ve been in power since 2015. The liberal dynasty will further destroy the nation
If the cons want to win they need to get a better leader. Pierre has no charisma and lowkey I hate their ads. Its like they just took the Trudeau attack lines and spun it to now attack Carney. Liberals or cons in power I don't see the country going into a good direction tbh.


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