Canadian woman vs Indian

The irony!


What goes around comes around, go back to Europe if you do not like the Indians, the Chinese, and the Africans.
You don’t leave around these pest. I’d rather live in a nazi enclave then around them.
Cadaan's must know you can't beat a jeet in cadaaning, due to they insatiable need to get accepts by cadaans. For instance, the brits starved nearly 5 million of them in ww2 and we have never heard of them bring that up not once :drakelaugh:.They actually braise Churchill's for that act of starvation on them
Reminds me of certain ‘Somalis’ who beg for the British monarchy to come back and colonize them. Wallahi everyday I see commonalities between them and TJs, they even use a Hindi word for car and add dh to everything. 😂