Sxb move along with the fanboyism. Farmajo was the one ku dhaliyey xabasha iney deked Somalia ka hesho. Stop crying he lost move on. Fkn Trump cult light niggazUlusow fired the MJ foreign minister and a hutu deputy is now the FM. Ulusow also fired the security minister a marehan guy and the deputy a Ulusow family member is not the security minister.
That ladies and gentlemen is Ulusow "government"
Sxb move along with the fanboyism. Farmajo was the one ku dhaliyey xabasha iney deked Somalia ka hesho. Stop crying he lost move on. Fkn Trump cult light niggaz
99% of your comments is about how Mw. Farmajo was a real leader and HSM is a traitor dayuth who sold his family for 5 cents. Move on bror wlhi that shit is not healthy.