Catriona Laing visits Deni


"can't move forward without the full and inclusive participation of Puntland"

NewAccountUntilIcanLogBackInMyOldOne — Big and Small XD the best puppet  shows of all time...


:heh: I welcome this womans visit to puntland to reassure deni that unhrc aid will still be there.

"can't move forward without the full and inclusive participation of Puntland"

This can be said for any FMS but ofc all the others are on board. If it makes you people feel special I welcome it.

FGS day to day operations continue as is with some ministerial changes incoming.

There is absolutely no chance this issue will be revisited any time soon
:heh: I welcome this womans visit to puntland to reassure deni that unhrc aid will still be there.

This can be said for any FMS but ofc all the others are on board. If it makes you people feel special I welcome it.

FGS day to day operations continue as is with some ministerial changes incoming.

There is absolutely no chance this issue will be revisited any time soon
All HSM needs to do now is completely eradicate AS from Somalia. I have faith in him and i know he will be able to do it.

This lady will just tell Deni to fall in line for anyone thinking otherwise lol. The IC always supports Xamar especially when HSM is in power.

This constitution is definitely a done deal. If HSM managed to establish and force in Galmudug, this recent dastuur is a piece of cake.


All HSM needs to do now is completely eradicate AS from Somalia. I have faith in him and i know he will be able to do it.

This lady will just tell Deni to fall in line for anyone thinking otherwise lol. The IC always supports Xamar especially when HSM is in power.

This constitution is definitely a done deal. If HSM managed to establish and force in Galmudug, this recent dastuur is a piece of cake.
He liberated majority of south central somalia during his first term as we know and now within the first 2 years Middle Shabelle the majority of southern mudug is clear as well as him giving xawaadle macawiisleey the push to clear their land.

His fight against shabab is without a doubt genuine

This woman is just playing politics. Sharif, Farmaajo and others visited her in Xamar. She is easily accessible to these politicians. Most of the UN funding is aid which is why the first thing she mentioned is unhcr and investment because 'puntland has the longest coastline in somalia' duhh the gaalo know how to play the mjs well:mjlol: she has a relationship with Deni like she does with Guudlaawe, QQ, Laftagareen and Ahmed Black.

Farmaajo showed how far a sitting president can push the limit before the ic will really start clamping down. The most the US did was sanction 11 politicians including qq I believe. They do not interfere much despite what people say. Farmaajo hand was forced on many occasions by pressure from military force within Muqdisho, not because of the international community :heh: Fahad Yasiin was made to resign as Nisa chief.

Its a done deal eboow reer ooyaaye must focus on themselves.


The true leader of the state. She comes and goes at her own will. It's wild how our collapse allowed for a reinstating of colonial governors. Somalis need to fix themselves.


The true leader of the state. She comes and goes at her own will. It's wild how our collapse allowed for a reinstating of colonial governors. Somalis need to fix themselves.
The UN provide nothing substantial besides aid made up of tents and daily porridge for elaay & jàreers up and down the country and some education. People in this echo chamber have a warped view of somali politics lol

Now if this was the representative for US, UK, EU, Turkey etc I'd be worried as those countries provide aid, infrastructure and most importantly support police, military, & nisa with drones, weapons, unlimited military training and so forth


The UN provide nothing substantial besides aid made up of tents and daily porridge for elaay & jàreers up and down the country and some education. People in this echo chamber have a warped view of somali politics lol

Now if this was the representative for US, UK, EU, Turkey etc I'd be worried as those countries provide aid, infrastructure and most importantly support police, military, & nisa with drones, weapons, unlimited military training and so forth
I always saw the UN as the invisible hand of the US/UK and the way this woman appears during big events makes me confident. She just happens to appear alongside Deni after a closed door meeting, a day after the release of a constitution reform Deni had been against. She's been there for the process and has been asking the state governor to come to the table.

There are powers playing big games in the nation. Whether that be UN, Turkey, Qatar or UAE. It's is frustrating to see the nation treated like a pawn traded easily.


I always saw the UN as the invisible hand of the US/UK and the way this woman appears during big events makes me confident. She just happens to appear alongside Deni after a closed door meeting, a day after the release of a constitution reform Deni had been against. She's been there for the process and has been asking the state governor to come to the table.

There are powers playing big games in the nation. Whether that be UN, Turkey, Qatar or UAE. It's is frustrating to see the nation treated like a pawn traded easily.
My point in the post you quoted was UN doesn't mean much considering how much individual countries are invested into the south. Some of those nations ofc heavily influence the UN. The arms embargo wouldn't be lifted by the security council without US & UK support


My point in the post you quoted was UN doesn't mean much considering how much individual countries are invested into the south. Some of those nations ofc heavily influence the UN. The arms embargo wouldn't be lifted by the security council without US & UK support
It's just odd how our president can't go to a state to discuss vital aspect of government but this woman is welcomed like the queen of England herself.
It's just odd how our president can't go to a state to discuss vital aspect of government but this woman is welcomed like the queen of England herself.

Because Culusow is the one that doesn't want to talk to anyone, he makes decisions with his family, and then bribes it down the throats of greedy MPs. That's why he will always remain a paper-tiger in an AMISOM bunker, instead of a President respected across Somalia.


Because Culusow is the one that doesn't want to talk to anyone, he makes decisions with his family, and then bribes it down the throats of greedy MPs. That's why he will always remain a paper-tiger in an AMISOM bunker, instead of a President respected across Somalia.
If he did communicate with Deni would there be a constitution reform. It seems folk in puntland are happy with the 2012 system while others would like to see drastic changes. They could come to some agreements at least, like 1m1v system. Personally I think any talk about the constitution should've taken a longer process, say until July for a agreed upon constitutional amendment.

Alot of this could be solved easily with dialog.


Same man has replaced the fufus with ethnic somali guards, replaced them in sh/dhexe and their drawdown continues as no cadaan country is willing to fund down. Also if AS really attacked Xamar with all of their strenght, the js would flee. They haven’t fought AS in 10 years.
Those are facts on the ground which do not apply in the politics section here. We are on course to be the next Afghanistan with a taliban style takeover from shabab apparently

If he did communicate with Deni would there be a constitution reform. It seems folk in puntland are happy with the 2012 system while others would like to see drastic changes. They could come to some agreements at least, like 1m1v system. Personally I think any talk about the constitution should've taken a longer process, say until July for a agreed upon constitutional amendment.

Alot of this could be solved easily with dialog.

I think it's high time to just split this country into chunks that agree with each other. Puntland + Khaatumo makes sense. And let the rest do what they want.


I think it's high time to just split this country into chunks that agree with each other. Puntland + Khaatumo makes sense. And let the rest do what they want.
I don't think it's up to us. Personally I don't mind if people come to a agreement to separation after some talks but let's be honest with ourselves, that won't happen. That being said Puntland can easily keep doing its own thing until they have the opportunity to play king makers and have a more palatable president. I mean who would stop them from continuing to ignore xamar like they already have.

However this cycle of miscommunication and clashes needs to end. The constitution is in need of updating and restructuring but it can not be done with everyone on the same page. The UN knows this and that'd why the sent that old British lady over, if they can't get the state on board then it's back to square 1.