CCP sure likes to make their citizens lives easier

The next stage is for China to switch to service based economy, they'll be pushing at least half of manufacturing output to the developing nations as their age increases, while keeping those companies Chinese owned with African/South American workers.
de-industrializing isn't a goal for China, they don't have neoliberal idiots ferrying off their industries to foreign nations for a quick buck to go to corporations. I think they're going to focus on more technological industries that create high value in the economy.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
de-industrializing isn't a goal for China, they don't have neoliberal idiots ferrying off their industries to foreign nations for a quick buck to go to corporations. I think they're going to focus on more technological industries that create high value in the economy.
Neoliberal leads to populism it’s why trump got elected in 2016 you can’t ignore the working class for ever

China is neck and neck with America in tech they’ll keep there manufacturing base don’t think the CCP is that dumb

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
God bless the CCP, I wish we could have them as modern day colonisers instead of Ethiopia/Kenya.
The Chinese don’t believe in self determination not colonization haven’t you heard of the term “century of humiliation ”

Western Europe colonized Africa and now there reaping what they sow hopefully the brits and Italians become a minority in there own country 😂
time to learn mandarin and move to china
Convenience and safety is the bait. I can’t believe people would be so trusting of the government to think they are building this for YOUR CONVENIENCE. Agenda 2030 doesn’t want you owning a car eating meat or living free, connect the dots.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Convenience and safety is the bait. I can’t believe people would be so trusting of the government to think they are building this for YOUR CONVENIENCE. Agenda 2030 doesn’t want you owning a car eating meat or living free, connect the dots.
The legendary Thomas Jefferson who’s my pyp once said “I would rather have dangerous freedom than peace full slavery ”

He also read the Quran maybe he converted before he died who knows

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
He was a Freemason, all U.S President's have ties to a secret society. Trump included.
The great American experiment can man rule himself or must he have a king

The average American has failed the test and thus his rights will be taken away and he will be a slave under the new world order