Ceeldheere burale is done officially next Adan Yabaal

Ali Jeyte: "Dagaalkii Hiiraan waaka soo idlaanayaa gobolo kale ayuu galay" Shabeelada Dhexe.
for Qabiil sensitivity State media not showing anything from Ceeldheere so they are sending through the local Hiiraan media. what Ali Jeyte said is the biggest confirmation that we control Ceeldheere Buraale after Maxaas mayor. they are like noohaaya laakin ka aamusa 😂

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they were macawisley Mahad Salaad waa nagu dheeraadey at our expense 😂😂
he received Ceeldheere intelligence from Macawisley 😂

they knew that they were going to attack them in Tardo that is another world class intelligence!

so they made a pre-emptive attack that led to chasing Al khawarij beyond Ceeldheere then they started regrouping again and received reinforcements from Adan Yabaal so a second battle was due to take place in the outskirts(babaanka) Ceedheere here they were subjected to aerial bombardment that killed dozens of them. This is Mahad's role but no mentions of these halyeeyo who provided the information to begin with let alone defeated them in the first battle.

before mahad Salad battle in Ceeldheere 24 November. in the haters media drones liberated it when Khawaarijta was trying to recapture it! 😂
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