censoring Islam a good idea?

Omar del Sur

My position is best explained in the act of correcting the sheikh when he makes a mistake leading prayer. Scholars are men, not perfect and are fallible

Ok but this is refuting taqleed. My position isn't that we should do taqleed. So this is refuting a completely different position.

And what you propose as an alternative (to a position that I don't actually hold) is actually in line with the "Enlightenment" ideology that you supposedly are opposed to. This idea where you say the laymen are supposed to refute scholars. No, the ordinary people should listen to the scholars.
Ok but this is refuting taqleed. My position isn't that we should do taqleed. So this is refuting a completely different position.

And what you propose as an alternative (to a position that I don't actually hold) is actually in line with the "Enlightenment" ideology that you supposedly are opposed to. This idea where you say the laymen are supposed to refute scholars. No, the ordinary people should listen to the scholars.
its the job of other scholars and more broadly the ummah to correct them
ordinary common people have zero business making up their own interpretations of Islam.

Theres very little to interpret. The quran and sunnah are clear as is, some context of the events of the time and the practices of other religions can be useful but is not necessary.

Its the responsibility of the believer not the scholar to find firmness in faith, as God judges each individual for their actions.

Omar del Sur

Theres very little to interpret. The quran and sunnah are clear as is, some context of the events of the time and the practices of other religions can be useful but is not necessary.

that is a really dangerous position to take. the science of tafsir is absolutely essential. it is not something that is "not necessary". it is something essential. and with hadith, explanation of hadith is also something extremely important.

these are very important, very delicate matters and tafsir and explanation of hadith are important and essential- not things which are "not necessary". they are very necessary.

Omar del Sur

Rasul Allah ﷺ didn't just teach the sahaabah the recitation of the Quran- he also taught them the tafsir of the Quran. the tafsir is essential.

and with the hadith, it's extremely dangerous if people just interpret the hadith however. the explanations of the hadith are very important and essential.
Rasul Allah ﷺ didn't just teach the sahaabah the recitation of the Quran- he also taught them the tafsir of the Quran. the tafsir is essential.

and with the hadith, it's extremely dangerous if people just interpret the hadith however. the explanations of the hadith are very important and essential.

I agree with parts of what you said and I’m impartial to others as I lack the knowledge to respond concisely. There’s some parts of the deen (tawhid/tawakkul) that I’ve made a proactive effort to study to the neglect of other areas. I ultimately believe that the responsibility is on you and you alone to sift through the islamic discourse and I hope to do so whilst standing upon the works of others as a foundation. Not to preach, or to be considered godly but because I demand it of myself.

Off-topic to end it on a good note, I found these ayat which made me smile:
Allah is Ever Kind to His servants. He provides ˹abundantly˺ to whoever He wills. And He is the All-Powerful, Almighty.
Whoever desires the harvest of the Hereafter, We will increase their harvest. And whoever desires ˹only˺ the harvest of this world, We will give them some of it, but they will have no share in the Hereafter.

“Have your cake and eat it to” 🙂
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