Chewing themselves into madness

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Chewing themselves into madness? Khat is 'finishing' men in the Horn of Africa

30 Oct 2015 14:14Samantha Spooner

Cases with psychotic symptoms started to use khat earlier in life and had been using khat 8.6 years before positive symptoms emerged.


Khat trader, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Photo/Peter Haden/Flickr)

THE CONDITIONS in Somaliland’s mental health centres have been shockingly described in a new Human Rights watch report titled “Chained like Prisoners”.

It explains how, even though authorities have recognised mental health as a serious problem, there are only two qualified psychiatric doctors in Somaliland for an estimated population of 3.5 million. Public facilities - as well as three of the private centres - were unhygienic and dilapidated, that patients are not getting any counselling or psychotherapy and the centres are not catering for people to return to society. Many of them were just cruelly chained up all day, for months on end.

There are no official estimates on mental health conditions in Somaliland however, existing research points to alarmingly high levels and one of the causes for mental health illness given in the report is the widespread use of khat.

Khat is a naturally occurring stimulant that has been compared to coca leaves, coffee and amphetamine. It is consumed by plucking off the leaves of the khat tree and rolling them into little balls that are pushed into the side of the cheek where they form a large, soft mass of leaves. The practice is usually referred to as khat chewing, but the leaves are actually kept in the side of the cheek.

When the juice has been extracted, the remnants are either swallowed or spat out. Because of its sharp taste, khat users often use sweet drinks or chewing gum at the same time.


The practice, almost done exclusively by men, has been around for centuries in the Horn of Africa - in countries such as Yemen, Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya - for the euphoric high users can get. It produces mild psycho-stimulant effects such as increased energy, enhanced mood, reduced appetite and reduced sleep - but it has been shown to lead to mental health issues. In fact, psychosis is one of the reasons why exports of khat to the UK, despite generating huge amounts of tax revenue and the devastation it would cause to khat farmers in East Africa, was banned and classed as a Class C drug in 2014.

A recent literature review of khat and mental-health issues identified 41 English-language research papers where the authors generally provided comprehensive case details and reported a causative relationship between khat use and psychosis or psychotic symptoms. Khat was shown to not only exacerbate existing mental health problems but is also believed to directly trigger psychosis if used in excess.

Psychotic symptoms

As it stands Somalia as a whole is said to have one of the highest rates of mental health illness in the world, with the World Health Organisation estimating that one in three Somali’s has been affected by some kind of mental illness - not surprising considering the decades of conflict and fighting the country has endured and the emerging post-traumatic stress conditions that would emerge as a result.

This is particularly dangerous considering that the early onset of psychotic symptoms is related to excessive khat chewing. On average, cases with psychotic symptoms had started to use khat earlier in life than matched controls and had been using khat 8.6 years before positive symptoms emerged. But also concerning is that several studies have demonstrated increased use among individuals who already have mental disorders. They explained that they kept khat-chewing as a way to “forget” and to console over the losses of the past and the problems of the present.

But research shows that psychosis happens with healthy users too - as a result of excessive use.


Because of the nature of khat-chewing as a recreational habit, done communally or at home, there aren’t really concrete official figures by country that can be referred to, but there are snapshots of data that paint a broad picture of just how widespread and excessive use can be.

It’s estimated that 90% of adult males in the autonomous region of Somaliland chew khat, that men and women in Ethiopia chew 28% and 11% respectively, while in Kenya it varied according to region - those that produced khat showed a prevalence rate of just over 50% or 10.7% in a region without khat production.

There is some evidence of uncontrolled and problematic khat use in the refugee camps in Northern Kenya. With young men most vulnerable to chronic use. As transport networks open up, inland countries such as Ugandahave documented that the consumption of khat is increasing especially among youths. There, 32% have experienced chewing khat and 20% claim to still be using it.

So while khat use increases the risk of mental health problems - some more so than for others - it should be emphasised that, unless the user is predisposed to a mental health disorder and chews a lot of khat every day, the risk is low. So, it’s not the usage per se - but rather how often it’s chewed that matters in terms of potential mental health issues.

Worryingly, usage among these chewers is high with many chewing large amounts for lengthy periods of time.

For example, in Somaliland, a typical khat consumer, about 75% of users, will consume between 1 and 2 bundles per day (each bundle weighs about 150 to 300 grams). Forty three percent of whom would consume khat 7 days a week and about 65% of the consumers also spend 7 hours per day chewing.

Despite high unemployment rates of 75%, the habit can cost $300 a month. In Djibouti, about 60.8% of consumers will use for 4 days per week with 91.9% of them chewing for more than 4 hours.
Khat kills productivity and inhibition. Literally the worst drug for any aspiring developing nation. Even worse it removes a lot of money from our economy and into our rivals hands. It also makes you look like an imbecile when chewing it


Your superior
Khat kills productivity and inhibition. Literally the worst drug for any aspiring developing nation. Even worse it removes a lot of money from our economy and into our rivals hands. It also makes you look like an imbecile when chewing it

It doesn't give cancer like smoking
It doesn't damage your liver like alcohol.

The reason why peeps chew is to pass the time


Community Manager
Staff Member
What else is there to do in the scorched desert. Also imagine a pebble in your sandal every time you take a walk. I'd be pissed too.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Khat, like alcohol, isn't bad if it's consumed in moderation. But Khat is consumed rapidly by the Horn. Kind of like how alcohol has really fucked up the Inuit Greenlandic community here in Denmark, many of them are alcoholic bums sadly. It kills productivity.
It doesn't give cancer like smoking
It doesn't damage your liver like alcohol.

The reason why peeps chew is to pass the time
Bro khat is inextricably linked to oral cancer. Not to mention the neg psychoactive effects longterm

As a libertarian I couldn't care less what drugs people choose to take in their own homes but it would be itellectually dishonest to suggest that khat is completely safe when evidence shows its not. Not mentally, not socially and certainly not dentally

Young Popeye

Call me pops
:ivers: why not get the dry qat its cheaper like 20 a bag. now lets talk about the positive sides, its good for work or going to war as it keeps you active and alert. Many Islamic writers used it to hand write the Quran.
Djibouti president Omar Guelleh once said " with khat I have sitting men, ban it & I will have standing men" standing men term refers to men protesting and demanding their rights. You can see how khat can be used in politics world. Iran exports all these illegal drugs to Iraq and gulf countries to destroy them from inside. Same way Israel sends drugs to Egypt, Morocca sends drugs to Algeria, Yemen to Saudi ....etc this called drug war where you can destroy whole country youth through drugs. Somalia khat comes from Ethiopia and Kenya.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
You will get the worst sleep of your nights when you chew, it's like 10 double espressos.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Ban khat now! It's one way the Tigray Ethiopian gov is getting rich and keeping the other ethnicities in poverty. If khat wasn't so harmful and destructive to the community then why is it banned in the Tigray state in Ethiopia? The mofos that grow the shit on large farms and tax it banned it in their home state. Wake up people!:faysalwtf:

Young Popeye

Call me pops
Ban khat now! It's one way the Tigray Ethiopian gov is getting rich and keeping the other ethnicities in poverty. If khat wasn't so harmful and destructive to the community then why is it banned for Tigray state in Ethiopia? The mofos that grow the shot on large farms and tax it banned it in their home state. Wake up people!:faysalwtf:

Khat is a muslim drug according to Ethiopians, Tigray/Amhara people dont traditionally use it, there's propaganda in Ethiopia that if you chew Khat you will convert to islam:pachah1: Its easy for you to say ban it if you dont use the drug but the people that do will not allow it. They legalizing weed because everybody is getting high in the west, its better to teach people not to use it then create a black market. They successfully decreased Cigarette smoking due to health warning labels and its at a all time low.
Khat kills productivity and inhibition. Literally the worst drug for any aspiring developing nation. Even worse it removes a lot of money from our economy and into our rivals hands. It also makes you look like an imbecile when chewing it
Khat, like alcohol, isn't bad if it's consumed in moderation. But Khat is consumed rapidly by the Horn. Kind of like how alcohol has really fucked up the Inuit Greenlandic community here in Denmark, many of them are alcoholic bums sadly. It kills productivity.

I thought freedom and the individual's desires always trumped what is good for their families, society, and country as a whole. What happened to "f*ck society and f*ck the collective"?

This is what your unrestricted freedom and hedonism at the expense of everything does to a society, especially a non-industrialized society that needs as much productivity it can get from the people. But FREEDOM!!!, right? :siilaanyolaugh:
I thought freedom and the individual's desires always trumped what is good for their families, society, and country as a whole. What happened to "f*ck society and f*ck the collective"?

This is what your unrestricted freedom and hedonism at the expense of everything does to a society, especially a non-industrialized society that needs as much productivity it can get from the people. But FREEDOM!!!, right? :siilaanyolaugh:
If you bothered to scroll down a bit you would find this.
As a libertarian I couldn't care less what drugs people choose to take in their own homes but it would be itellectually dishonest to suggest that khat is completely safe when evidence shows its not. Not mentally, not socially and certainly not dentally
I'm still in favour of "unrestricted freedom and hedonism" as you put it. That doesn't mean we cannot have common sense regulation and education campaigns about the risk of khat or any other drug for that matter.

Portugal has the same policy and has seen drug relates deaths and usage drop significantly from its pre-legalization
Regulation and "education campaigns". It sounds like you still believe in societal shaming and thus aspects of collectivism, the same concepts you all claim to be waging a war against. A true libertarian does not care about social consequences and massive drawbacks as a result of their freedom campaign, such as for example the legalization of all drugs.

Portugal is a special case with many different things occurring at once. Look no further than US states that legalized Marijuana, and the reefer madneess that has occurred as a result of it from the massive increases in use across the board, the increases from use of "harder" drugs because of its effect as a gateway drug, and the dramatic increase in DUIs and accidents. When you tell people it is okay to do something by removing punitive measures, only a fool would argue that it more people wouldn't do it forget about less people doing it.
Regulation and "education campaigns". It sounds like you still believe in societal shaming and thus aspects of collectivism, the same concepts you all claim to be waging a war against. A true libertarian does not care about social consequences and massive drawbacks as a result of their freedom campaign, such as for example the legalization of all drugs.

Portugal is a special case with many different things occurring at once. Look no further than US states that legalized Marijuana, and the reefer madneess that has occurred as a result of it from the massive increases in use across the board, the increases from use of "harder" drugs because of its effect as a gateway drug, and the dramatic increase in DUIs and accidents. When you tell people it is okay to do something by removing punitive measures, only a fool would argue that it more people wouldn't do it forget about less people doing it.
Why do I even bother engaging with trolls :icon lol:
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