Chewing themselves into madness

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I'm the troll according to the guy who is proposing to legalize all drugs as good social policy on a Somali forum. This forum and its ironies. :pachah1:
Somalia is in shambles today. It needs a solid 10 years of authoritarianism and the bringing up of the quality of life. But then and only then can we have

No Somali government has done the only thing to move forward with Khat.

Add a massive tax on Khat imports and use the money for other institutions.

Malaysia allows Alcohol but a beer at a bar will set you back to the door! A 26 of grey goose is like 60$ USD!

In Canada many people stopped smoking or started smoking cheaper brands because of the higher prices.

In a developed Somali Peninsula--Oil and Gas companies would drug test employees and fire anyone who chews this substance.
:ivers: why not get the dry qat its cheaper like 20 a bag. now lets talk about the positive sides, its good for work or going to war as it keeps you active and alert. Many Islamic writers used it to hand write the Quran.

It is normally to defend khat and even related to religion though the religious men condemned chewing khat, you are Ethiopian who is defending one of your country exports
No Somali government has done the only thing to move forward with Khat.

Add a massive tax on Khat imports and use the money for other institutions.

Malaysia allows Alcohol but a beer at a bar will set you back to the door! A 26 of grey goose is like 60$ USD!

In Canada many people stopped smoking or started smoking cheaper brands because of the higher prices.

In a developed Somali Peninsula--Oil and Gas companies would drug test employees and fire anyone who chews this substance.
Use the tax profits to relocate bantus back to their ancestral country
Somalia is in shambles today. It needs a solid 10 years of authoritarianism and the bringing up of the quality of life. But then and only then can we have


Atheists and weed maxa kala haysto?:siilaanyolaugh:

So you at least admit to the limitations of your social philosophy. Your brother in atheism @Bielsa believes you can import the western fetish of freedom wholesale into Somalia and would automatically lead to prosperity and first-world status. In the far future if there ever is a hypothetical stable Somali state, the people will have far learned from the mistakes of the countries who legalized the deadly drug and faced large-scale societal breakdown, crime, and major economic slowdown from the loss of productivity. We've all seen the most recent example of reefer madness with that 30 page or so topic and what animals it transforms Somali youth into. Show that to the people and your dreams of legal marijuana will quickly evaporate. :hemad:
Atheists and weed maxa kala haysto?:siilaanyolaugh:

So you at least admit to the limitations of your social philosophy. Your brother in atheism @Bielsa believes you can import the western fetish of freedom wholesale into Somalia and would automatically lead to prosperity and first-world status. In the far future if there ever is a hypothetical stable Somali state, the people will have far learned from the mistakes of the countries who legalized the deadly drug and faced large-scale societal breakdown, crime, and major economic slowdown from the loss of productivity. We've all seen the most recent example of reefer madness with that 30 page or so topic and what animals it transforms Somali youth into. Show that to the people and your dreams of legal marijuana will quickly evaporate. :hemad:
It's all about evolution. Western society didn't transform into the free, egalitarian societies they are today without suffering at one point from the yolk of feudalism, totalitarianism and communism, somalis have largely missed out on these society shaping struggles but I believe transitioning to progressivism will come easily to the somali as it is in our essence to be libertarian.

Regarding wether weed will be the bane of society if it were to be legalized in a stable somalia. I guess you are right. It is hypothetical and not worth guessing

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Khat is a muslim drug according to Ethiopians, Tigray/Amhara people dont traditionally use it, there's propaganda in Ethiopia that if you chew Khat you will convert to islam:pachah1: Its easy for you to say ban it if you dont use the drug but the people that do will not allow it. They legalizing weed because everybody is getting high in the west, its better to teach people not to use it then create a black market. They successfully decreased Cigarette smoking due to health warning labels and its at a all time low.
Valid point made. :ayaanswag: I've never met a highlander who used khat regularly tho even dealers. I agree we need more public awareness. Ive heard Tigray online say they've beaten, robbed, and made it impossible for khat dealers in their towns maybe we follow that example :kanyeshrug: anyhow it's gotta stop with our generation.
Here you Xoolos go with the "Talking out your Futo"

Look below and click the link to Ethiopian Tariffs on imports. Somali doesn't even tax anything as close, or HS Code system.

Ethiopia charges 19-30% Tax on Somali Fish and Fish consumption is growing in Ethiopia.

You need to click the link, and if some of you can rub two entrepreneurial thoughts together you will find many businesses
to start in Addis Ababa.


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