The truth seeker
Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Will there be a loan ?i feel there’s a big infrastructure project coming in the air, chinese ambassador meeting puntland leader, what did you guys think
Will there be a loan ?i feel there’s a big infrastructure project coming in the air, chinese ambassador meeting puntland leader, what did you guys think
Thank God for SL's move to team up with Taiwan. Most countries that recognize Taiwan try to get China to pay them to stop.. lol If they had worked with both China and US, we could have been fucked.
Why Countries Abandon Taiwan: Indicators for a Diplomatic Switch | Global Taiwan Institute
Amid recent efforts to pass the Compacts of Free Associations Act of 2023, the strategic importance of the Pacific Island nations has come into public view. Of the three “Freely Associated States” (FAS), two of them—Palau and the Marshall Islands—maintain diplomatic ties with Taiwan. Across
Why do these neocons hate Somalis so much? WTF.
The same Trump who wanted to invite Xi to his inauguration
I know what game you're playing @Itsnotthateasy you're a good propagandist ill give u that
ceerigabo is gone, when the harti army win the drone war, you only have yourself to blameChina has been very busy working with any entity and group it can find and providing meaningful support. It is only right we label this undemocratic, opportunistic axis forming around chinese interests for what it is.
"We will not leave them alone," China's Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa.
Made enemy of second most powerful country in world for nothing. Taiwan was miscalculation
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This reminds me of when Daahir Calasow sent them shoes after Goojacade. Taiwan doing fkd on iidoorMade enemy of second most powerful country in world for nothing. Taiwan was miscalculation
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He supports the only rebel militia group in Somali history led by a woman and she is from his sub. Iidoor naga cilmi badanWhich of the many isaaq militias in SL are you rooting for?
Somaliland already exists as an independent democratic country. The US only needs to recognize the reality that already exists. Mogadishu can then be free to do what the US needs it to do which is focus on governance and tackling the insurgency it's failed to defeat for decades.