China Is Preparing Africa For Nuclear Transfer


Why do you pretend to be a fob sxb? No fob would ever know ‘I have a bridge to sell you’
Come On Biden GIF by GIPHY News
i am amercanized wont argue that , i aint no fob but do at least know somali which is more than alot on this site :icon e biggrin:

I also dont belive in humans evolving from monkeys @DR OSMAN. its interesting theory i do think species do have natural selection and certain traits ebb and flow

Dont analyze me to much this is anonymous forum after all you will go down rabbit hole of contraditions ,i do sometimes throw misinformation out there just so no one will try to deduce who i am
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I don't know the exact granual level details of nuclear obviously as your aware it's guarded and classified worldwide. But I do know their is a raw material stage and processing and then storage and eventually deploying either as energy into a nations electricity backbone or as u even admit can be redirected into warheads.

I was just arguing with @Hilmaam since most of the stages are done in peaceful use once deployed as energy backbone, he was thinking the formula changes on breaking down the atom which is already done and is converted onto power lines so it can power a city or country or at least play in some mixed energy backbone map of various sources of energy(fossil fuel, river, solar, wind).

I don't have the details in terms of precise formulas also in the enrichment process, but I know them bantu kids sent into scholarship to China once those plants are up and running will just break all that shit down into African way of studying. Raw Resources converted into energy and further refined into different formulas or recipes at each stage.

Dude they walk in and already know the life cycle from raw resources to processing stage to storing and deploying and will just write down the formulas for each stage and in a few years u hearing Bantus saying what's up Africa surrender now before we go into end games. Plus add the African emotion for tribe supremacy and holding onto power vs other ethnic groups, it's no a trainer unless your living in some somali denial.


i am amercanized wont argue that , i aint no fob but do at least know somali which is more than alot on this site :icon e biggrin:

I also dont belive in humans evolving from monkeys @DR OSMAN. its interesting theory i do think species do have natural selection and certain traits ebb and flow

Dont analyze me to much this is anonymous forum after all you will go down rabbit hole of contraditions ,i do sometimes throw misinformation out there just so no one will try to deduce who i am
I knew you were doing it on purpose. I bet you ain’t even LLK. Nobody cares if you have a fetish for analyzing fake Somali government financial statements sxb :faysalwtf:



I was born here in Australia who r loyal to King n Queen in Britain, same with Canada and even the USA before their moryan rebel movements which they call independence day but every other british colony territory loyal to the king n queens of England who truly did find their new lands in America's and Australia and NZ call them terrorist and rebels doing bililiqo on British crown possession.

Listen these motherfuckers aren't like Somalis especially English speaking who report to England no matter what part of the globe they are or what new national name they call themselves.

This is a feudal culture where one family or king or Queen or whatever u wanna call it lives nice and eats well while throwing out suugo and left overs for the rest of the peasants. This is what they call division of Labor or other silly names under capitalism which Jews taught them obviously. Even the european royal families were taught to follow jewish system of royal families and kingdoms while subjectating these commoners or peasants or serfs or whatever fancy name u wanna call them their just useless ppl and were given suugo and vegetables and left overs while the royal ate meat and fancy dishes. Which is funny when u see Somalis loving farming, where as royal families used it as a way to slave the lowest among them to farming and only allow them to eat vegetables and fruits not the meat which is to expensive and only for royal families.

Where as Africa doesn't have a feudal system everyone is a king and queen and eats meat and lives as equals well historically other then abbysianians who also followed that jewish royal n peasant structure due to solomon n sheba bringing a half jew to africa menelik. As Alexander the Great found out and defeated by Queen Candace of Sudan and Kush, the westerners will find out who worship that dude who even said bury me in black lands like Egypt.

I always advice them don't bother with this continent even your Alexander failed here who u worship who himself worships being buried there.
The chinese like the europeans ain't dumb enough to build a nuclear reactor in Africa unless they want to manufacture a chernobyl like disaster to reduce the birth rates of black africa.
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♚Sargon of Adal♚
I am pretty sure you guys have read how the continent is embracing nuclear energy which is being sold as peaceful use in many bantu nations with a Chinese foot print.

Their in bed now with China not just for investment, all global powers have other agendas and strategic objectives tied to investments beyond economic.

I spoke to an African and he told me, they have accepted China argument to pursue nuclear energy for energy but then come down to China university to learn how to switch it to warheads which China will even facilitate the scholarships of the best minds there.

Add African tribal and ethnic and national emotion with chinese know how and studying, well it's obvious they going to succeed in their studies and bring back the formula needed to switch to nuclear warheads.

They said they have accepted China argument that a greater peace and stability can be achieved on the continent if its nuclear armed which can force all sides then to work for peace. They have rejected western arguments the status quo is best as its led to horrible outcomes and china end games is probably the best gamble is what they argue for a greater peace.

Bantu have really made their decision and you can google nuclear electricity plants popping up over the continent, which is code word for we will switch to warheads later down the track.

Ethiopia didn't pursue this but their energy is all river or renewable source, their very behind truly.

HAGS have escalated to satellite in orbit at this stage and banking on turks to send in network capable missiles and drones off all range capability and also smart capability to connect to their hawiye action group satellite in orbit for geo mapping and precision targetting of local and global targets.

As of yet HAGS have not escalated to nuclear energy plants but it's a matter of time as a large bantu population lives there who also keep up with bantu news on the continent before it eventually follows suit. They brought them ambuulo and niiko you think they won't tell HAGS hey follow bantu nations end game strategy with China.
Africa has already had a nuclear reactor for 2 billion years, get with the times.

Thorium reactors that China is developing will be safer, and they can be smaller, won't melt and be cheaper to operate, a lot more compacted aswell.

