Christian Hypocrites Criticize Muslims for Kissing Black Stone


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Yes, the greco-roman trinity born out of the grec-roman empire that did not exist in all of history with the Prophets from the children of Israel nor did Jesus himself ever speak of it. It comes into existence under the roman empire who later adopts it as the state religion.

And no pagan community has ever claimed their inanimate objects are their literal gods but representations of it, your interpretation means that the second commandment is nonsensical because even the pagans of old used their idols and images as representations.

So you create idols and images like the pagans, worship them, bow down to them, fill your places of worship with them, yet think it does not apply to you? If it applies to any pagans then it also applies your greco-roman christianity.

Christianity can only exist in ignorance, any study of history or Jesus himself historically would show your following a greco roman religion that uses Jesus as its central theme and have nothing to do with Jesus AS himself or his disciples.

You will find parallels of the stories written anonymously in the new testament to literal greek gods and epics. It is copied verbatim.

That is why in modern times it is prone to mass apostasy. And there is also the nonsensical doctrine of the trinity.

Anyways, check out this video for more information. Also check out actual christian scholars of history and the conclusions they come to.

Matthew 28:19

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Jesus pretty clearly referencing the Trinity here.

John 10:30

I and the Father are one

Jesus also referring to the metaphysics of the Trinity

The Trinity was used by the Early Christians from the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19 so it’s obviously not a product of this Greco-Roman fantasy you’ve conjured in your head.

This Greco-Roman bollocks is completely circumstantial. There is heaps of Greco-Roman literature and tropes of nobility.
Matthew 28:19

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Jesus pretty clearly referencing the Trinity here.

John 10:30

I and the Father are one

Jesus also referring to the metaphysics of the Trinity

The Trinity was used by the Early Christians from the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19 so it’s obviously not a product of this Greco-Roman fantasy you’ve conjured in your head.

This Greco-Roman bollocks is completely circumstantial. There is heaps of Greco-Roman literature and tropes of nobility.

Paul was influenced by greek religion and mythology and what you follow is closest to his religion, not Jesus AS or his followers. The council of nicaea is what cemented the trinity, it was clearly a hot topic of debate before then.

So yes, it is entirely influenced and created from greco-roman mythology and is a conclusion all bible scholars come to. You are ignorantly parroting doctrine like 3in1 thinking it makes sense. I have shared literal christian bible scholars above that speak on this reality.

Also, some of the videos above speak about what Jesus AS and his earliest followers believed in, it is what Islam teaches. While your christianity is repackaged paganism. It is not just me and Muslim who say this, but historians and bible scholars.

Like I said christianity can only exist in ignorance.

Garaad diinle

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Thou shalt have no other Gods.
Yep, all three of the Trinity are within one God. No contradiction

And Thou shalt not worship idols
No contradiction either. Portraits and statues are not idols. No one worships inanimate objects. The only reason Mohhamedans believe iconography is idolatry is because of their puritan stance on anything of beauty
I must handed to you pal, you clearly are a world champion at mental gymnastics. Christianity is an offshoot of judaism, these commandments were revealed to the yahuds literally no sane yahudi would ever interpret the text the way you did. It literally says don't make images of they lord, did you see any synagogue with the image of God?

According to us muslims every nation received a prophet of their own the last one being Muhammad ﷺ sent to all nations. Every one of these prophet including Abraham عليه السلام called for the worship of one God and that didn't include isa عليه السلام. Meanwhile according to you one can attain salvation only by believing in isa عليه السلام but then what about those who were born before him up to adam عليه السلام, non of whom even knew of isa عليه السلام, are they doomed then?

Matthew 28:19

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Classical move. That being said didn't you know that this part of the verse is contested? Perhaps you did know but nevertheless you brought it up. Here is some source discussing the authenticity of this part of text.

John 10:30

I and the Father are one

Jesus also referring to the metaphysics of the Trinity
You clearly grasping at straws here. This is nothing more than semantics that aren't meant to be taken literally. Are we supposed take the following verse literally? If so start worshiping the whole of bani israel and change the trinity with multiplicity.

Psalm 82:6

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are a children of the most High.
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