It used to and still is incredibly high among homosexuals. They just took the stigma away but the reality is the same. Everyone gets it because there is contamination from them via bisexuals.
u seem bitter huuno
It used to and still is incredibly high among homosexuals. They just took the stigma away but the reality is the same. Everyone gets it because there is contamination from them via bisexuals.
Lets stay on topic, otherwise I can accuse you of things toou seem bitter huuno
You increase the chance of getting aids as a Homosexual if you do not practise protection . However regardless of aids, even if a cure is found for every STD religions will still classify it as a sin.You going to act like aids isn't a thing.
We are not talking about fantasy. Lets talk the reality of today, lets say you have full LGBT rights and sexual revolution how does that help people in Somalia except make STDs and AIDS more prevalent.You increase the chance of getting aids as a Homosexual if you do not practise protection . However regardless of aids, even if a cure is found for every STD religions will still classify it as a sin.