Chubby Xalimos

Shutup about body shaming, any normal man wil want a healthy women, a healthy women is not obese and has extra flab, I am a man of God, gluttony is a sickness of the heart, I need a healthy women who takes are of her body and doesn't indulge in disgusting food and destorys her body
You my friend have a sickness in your heart. Healthy women are the best
Listen to me and repeat after me,
( chubby Xalimos are superior and is my type) 😂
You have been brainwashed by your culture to like chubby women.
The west praises chubby women actually, most women here are fat
Get help my guy, book ticket to Somalia 🇸🇴 and u will be healed by chubby xalimos.
If u say anything bad about chubby Xalimos niggas will beat u, am just saying


u talk like an innocent girl, I assumed u were small and innocent
I am a child at heart
puss in boots cat eyes GIF

ur opinion is wrong, obese ppl should not exist
Ur the minority who dislikes chubbniss but the majority like and adores the chubbyness
That's true tho :yousmart:
Somali people like chubbiness because it was a sign of an abundance of food. Makes sense is you adapted to live in the horn of Jahannam.

