Ciddhartha appreciation thread + Q&A

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Why are you so hostile (especially towards the females on this websites)?

He tried being hostile with me it didn't work. since i am a chill dude and now he is constantly on the ass of the girls because they agree with me. That and he hates Hartis or MJs.
Basically a beef he has with me from Somnet which he is deliberately projecting towards the ladies. Kinda suprising cuz i never knew there was a beef to begin with. :zhqjlmx: until now

People take shit to seriously on the internett :axvmm9o:
geeljire go away you derailing my thread ciyaal yahow.

How much of Ciddhartha is just your online persona? Are you too weary to actually voice your real views on anything ever? Besides TUS, what other cult films have you enjoyed?

If payitforward87 had an alter-ego, it would be you.

Do you mean that negatively? Because payitforward87 is so chill to me.
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