Cirro government and ministers list – per source


Forza Somalia!
See these people are obsessed with killing, they are fine with killing those that don't agree with their medieval mind
The assassination list was propused by your fellow Somalilander, we don't do that here, unlike where you come from. A simple disagreement from a guy from Burco or Hargeisa with the idea of Somaliland independence will sent him to hospital.


The Gulf of Berbera
Because fishing and seafaring is something to poke fun at. Meanwhile this clown is from Berbera, which is on the coast. You couldn't make this up if you tried.

Unlike you, the most "ilbax" and wealthiest Somalis are those who are from historically seafaring-trading-merchant communities.
Eeyahe dhagayso. Reer kasta Waqooyi dega has a cay lagu xanto which we joke about. It got nothing to do with you so walal stick with your majidho affairs.


The Gulf of Berbera
Warsangeli affairs are my affairs, and you don't have a special relationship or kaftan with them, you beg. They don't want or like you no matter how much grovelling you do, you two-faced delusional munaafaq.
Eeyahe is deji horta. If they really wanted you as you claim they could’ve just dropped makhir state and become PLers lol. We dont beg no one. Kuwan aan ka diiday codaynta ma anaa so diray kolka?
Eeyahe is deji horta. If they really wanted you as you claim they could’ve just dropped makhir state and become PLers lol. We dont beg no one. Kuwan aan ka diiday codaynta ma inaa so diray kolka?

Warsangeli have always been an independent Sultanate and we celebrate their desire for autonomy. We are not the ones who suffer from greed and desire to control others, they are my brothers, free to come and go as as they please. Worry about the upcoming Isaaq conflicts, which will be political, military or both.


The Gulf of Berbera
Warsangeli have always been an independent Sultanate and we celebrate their desire for autonomy. We are not the ones who suffer from greed and desire to control others, they are my brothers, free to come and go as as they please. Worry about the upcoming Isaaq conflicts, which will be political, military or both.
Lol alright fine with me. I will worry about mine and you worry about your Isis cousins taking over Bosaaso👍


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