Let them loot everything agames have no rights.
Kill them all dont live one TPLF alive.Family members of TPLF leaders are pressuring the government to let them know the whereabouts of their loved ones. No one has heard anything about the leaders since shortly after the federal army controlled Mekele. No short messages with foreign journalists or anything that may indicate they are still alive.
At the same time unconfirmed reports are coming out that some of the leaders like Debretsion are wounded and are now getting treatment in a hospital after being captured. These reports indicate that some are wounded, others killed and few are still in hiding. All this uncertainty makes it increasingly hard for families to live with. I don’t know how long the government is going to be silent on the whereabouts of TPLF leaders.
The official line is that the leaders have left their vehicles and are now on the run on foot and the federal police with the army is going after them.
In the meantime Ethiopian Airlines will resume flights to Gondar starting from today. Remember Gondar was one of the cities that TPLF missiles hit, though causing no to little damage.
Kill them all dont live one TPLF alive.
A dead TPLF is a good TPLF.
Strange how amhara dont show mercy to their abysinian cousins.![]()
I know why you as Amhara hate TPLF which is different from why we hate TPLF.They will be killed only if the refuse to surrender otherwise they should and will be brought to court alive. Killing them is making them martyrs undeserved. The best scenario in my view is to let them go through the long court process. That’s way more humiliating. But I don’t know if the army let them live alive since the army is very angry about the attack on their colleges.
I know why you as Amhara hate TPLF which is different from why we hate TPLF.
I dont give a f*ck about attrocities amhara savages are doing in Tigray they deserve every humiliation your fano terrorists are giving them.
Enjo the show as long as it lasts.
Raya is the lamest excuse Amhara would give whats next? Jimma or Gumuz land?I don't care why you hate TPLF. That is not my business and our reason doesn't have to be the same. And for the millions times Amhara militia and Liyu are only in what Amharas think is Amhara territories not in Tigray. They don't think that is Tigray. Why should they loot from and destroy Amhara territories? That doesn't make any sense at all. They see wolkait and raya just like Gonder and Wollo, as their own people and as their own territory. They think they are there for many years to come and not just to go in loot, destroy and go back. That is not how they see it. You are consuming too much TPLF digial woyane crap and that coupled with your Amharaphobia does the trick. Bye.
Raya today.
But who will hold the Amharas accountable for their crimes? Logically they should be next now, shouldn't they?
But who will hold the Amharas accountable for their crimes? Logically they should be next now, shouldn't they?
Kissinger has a Nobel? Obama not knowing why he got it? Aung Suu Kyi defending ethnic cleansing? Abiy Ali Ahmed refuses peace talks? It's one disaster after the other
Abiy now conscripting somali child soldiers
Who are you trying to lie to?
The army never abducts people for military service. No Ethiopian ever heard this kind of practice. Let alone abducting, there is no mandatory military service in Ethiopia and any military personnel can leave the Army at will. If there is such practice believe me by now all the media will be blasting and everybody would have been talking about it. But this is unheard.
Besides, currently there is no war in Tigray and there is no need for additional personnel. And how can the army target nomadic population who most likely don't even speak Amharic? You can't be part of the Army if you can't speak Amharic since the training and communication is in Amharic.
The whole story just doesn't make any sense at all.
Who are you trying to lie to?
Ethiopia has one of the worse human rights records in Africa.
In 1998-2000 war with Eritrea 15K somali youths were abducted and sent to the front lines to be cannon fodder.
So are you a govt official?Stop this nonsense. You guys are doing it as if the Ethiopian army consists of only Somalis. How come no other Ethiopian heard this kind of stories? Stop this BS nonsense conspiracy theories and provide evidence. The Ethiopian army knows that an army full of abducted and forced conscripts is useless and will never win a war. That is the main reason that it doesn't even try such stupidity. It is a professional paid army not an army of forced conscripts and that makes it very successful.
So are you a govt official?
We know our cousins who were sent to the front lines or do you think they were sent to sing Ishururu in Gondar and Gojjam.
Ethiopian army is mostly conscripted soilders poorly trainned and under paid.As a matter of fact omly few receive high trainning and are mostly few selected through favouristims than through merit.The rest are cannon fodder.
There is nothing called gossip.For 30 years the ENDF was killing somalis civilians ruthlessly it wasnt TPLF but it was the unprofessional nature of ENDF that were carrying out mass executions.Before TPLF under the derg ENDF were killing somali civilians indiscriminatly prior that under Haile Selasie the ENDF was aslo killing unarmed somali civilians.Mr. full of gossip and conspiracy theory, an army as you described it can't stand a day in front of a real battle let alone win the most deadly wars in Africa. Every forcefully conscript would run away or surrender the moment a battle starts. We know during the last days of derg how a forcefully conscripted army looks like. It is just useless. The current Ethiopian army is a very determined, highly trained and professional army that has won every war it engaged. This is professionalism not useless forced conscription. And any army member can leave the army whenever he/she feels so.
You can't get such high moral, determination and heroism with forced conscripted army.
Just to correct you Tigray agames are the ugliest xabashis.Tigray girls are very pretty.
In Sudan the Tigray workers are waitresses while the ugly oromo and amhara cave beasts wash dishes in the back.
Tigrayan men look ugly, the women are beautiful though except the bug eyed ones, meanwhile the average amhara is just mediocre-ugly not very ugly vs very beautiful which is Tigrayans.Just to correct you Tigray agames are the ugliest xabashis.
Its Eritrean Tigrinyas then Amharas.Most Tigrayans look like Meles Zenawi.
Oromos are a mix and some are very beautiful.
Lets not talk about women though.
I dont call that women with 3 inches makeup as beautiful.
You need to go to your optician.