Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia


ރ 🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
I don't get it. Didn't the Ethiopian army pretty much defeat them? How are they now fleeing from them?


Oromadu dad kulul ma aha. that's why.
switch them with any other ethnicity as soon as they gain strength would march on to addis overthrow amhara. literally. christian oromos are a really colonized people maskax ahaan and physically. credit to amhara.
switch them with any other ethnicity as soon as they gain strength would march on to addis overthrow amhara. literally. christian oromos are a really colonized people maskax ahaan and physically. credit to amhara.
Oromo are close to Somali in terms of DNA. They are disorganized and divided like we are. On the other hand, the tigrays and Amharas are almost always united. You don't see them battling it out amongst themselves and killing each other over tuulo or who should become president.

At the end of the day, unity is what gets the job done. It's how 3 million Eritreans were able to break away from Ethiopia but 5-6 million Somalis(1991) weren't.

I know we say all the time, but if Somali people were united from corner to corner, I am sure we would rule east Africa.
Who is giving Tigrays these weapons? I saw heavy weapons on facebook.

I thought they were encricled?
No one gives them a heavy weapons nor they were encircled but they were already armed to teeth as they looted the entire weapons of the northern command which the largest of the four of its kind in Ethiopia.

Just beacause abiy and afwerki rush into the war with huge numbers and energy which at that time would be difficult for them to handle, they retreared to mountains and rearranged into a guerilla war which would give them the upper hand cuz they had the popular support and and they know the terrain better than the invading armies and now after ghey inflicted small but persistant losses to the invading army they are in a position to wage a conventional war and regain all of those they abandoned for reason in the beginning of the war.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I don't get it. Didn't the Ethiopian army pretty much defeat them? How are they now fleeing from them?

The Tigrayans initially were stunned from the first punch. They went to their old hiding places during their gorilla days in the 1970s and 1980s. They regrouped. So many Tigrayans were so enraged by the pillaging and rape of the hordes of foreign Ethiopian soldiers. The thing turned into a nation fighting foreigners. Tigrayans United under their national cause. Keep in mind that Ethiopia ain’t no advanced nation. They were occupiers with no local support. So the Tigrayans prepared for all these months and now unleashed a war of annihilation. Now you see the end results.
No one gives them a heavy weapons nor they were encircled but they were already armed to teeth as they looted the entire weapons of the northern command which the largest of the four of its kind in Ethiopia.

Just beacause abiy and afwerki rush into the war with huge numbers and energy which at that time would be difficult for them to handle, they retreared to mountains and rearranged into a guerilla war which would give them the upper hand cuz they had the popular support and and they know the terrain better than the invading armies and now after ghey inflicted small but persistant losses to the invading army they are in a position to wage a conventional war and regain all of those they abandoned for reason in the beginning of the war.
all the weapons they stocked would run out by now if they were engaged in a war for 8 months.

We heard Eritrean troops cut off the northern border with Sudan, so who is supplying them?

in a war this big, stockpiled weapons aain't enough, you need consistent supply of new arms.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
all the weapons they stocked would run out by now if they were engaged in a war for 8 months.

We heard Eritrean troops cut off the northern border with Sudan, so who is supplying them?

in a war this big, stockpiled weapons aain't enough, you need consistent supply of new arms.
They are backed by America but only military intel and not weapons

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Evidently Egypt armed them to the teeth.

Ethiopia stunned by the heavy weapons unleashed on them.

they okayed themselves.

They arrogantly decided to build a dam when they are such a 3rd world with no assets to compete with Egypt. Egypt found a golden opportunity when Abiy came to power and he recklessly built animosity with a whole region of his. Now the chicken have came home to roost.
all the weapons they stocked would run out by now if they were engaged in a war for 8 months.

We heard Eritrean troops cut off the northern border with Sudan, so who is supplying them?

in a war this big, stockpiled weapons aain't enough, you need consistent supply of new arms.
After they were cut off from their border with sudan, there is no other logistically feasible root to truck heavy weapons to them so I would say again they get no military supply from anyone during the war but all they get in my guess may be some medicine for their old obese leaders and assistance for this wireless communication which enabled them to tweet and have unfettered access with the international media even after communication black out in the region.
lol so ethiopia lost?
Evidently Egypt armed them to the teeth.

Ethiopia stunned by the heavy weapons unleashed on them.

they okayed themselves.

They arrogantly decided to build a dam when they are such a 3rd world with no assets to compete with Egypt. Egypt found a golden opportunity when Abiy came to power and he recklessly built animosity with a whole region of his. Now the chicken have came home to roost.

fr ethiopians really thought they were untouchable and could get away with being poor as hell yet block egypts life line. no wonder egypt wasn't being aggressive, they were funding tigray from behind closed doors
all the weapons they stocked would run out by now if they were engaged in a war for 8 months.

We heard Eritrean troops cut off the northern border with Sudan, so who is supplying them?

in a war this big, stockpiled weapons aain't enough, you need consistent supply of new arms.
I think they had enough of weapons hidden in the mountains don't forget that Tigray TDF were already armed to teeth because of Eritrea and Ethiopia war during 1999-2000

