Biden admin is pro Tigray ruling Ethiopia. Trump didn’t care. Let’s hope they go down on the part to separatism now that they saw what others could do to them when they lose power.
A chaotic ethiopia is better for Somalis, one party rule leads to interference.Doesn't matter who wins, we're fucked either way
New towns captured in Tigray Humeira and Almata Western Tigray.
Amhara peasants have started to flee walkeit and Rayya for fear of being caught after squatting in Tigray for months.
War is-banjariska joojiya. This of course not the best time to do so, galbeed is already divided and ruled by a coon to amhara. That coon is easy to handle compared to solving the divisionThis is the perfect time for ONLF to pick up weapons , while ENDF is in complete disarray.
its impossible for them to have recieved weapons from Egypt they dont share a border with sudan anymoreEvidently Egypt armed them to the teeth.
Ethiopia stunned by the heavy weapons unleashed on them.
they okayed themselves.
They arrogantly decided to build a dam when they are such a 3rd world with no assets to compete with Egypt. Egypt found a golden opportunity when Abiy came to power and he recklessly built animosity with a whole region of his. Now the chicken have came home to roost.
they got weapons from capturing the ethiopians, their supply lines from sudan as western tigray is still occupiedall the weapons they stocked would run out by now if they were engaged in a war for 8 months.
We heard Eritrean troops cut off the northern border with Sudan, so who is supplying them?
in a war this big, stockpiled weapons aain't enough, you need consistent supply of new arms.
its impossible for egypt to have supported them with weapons. they dont share a border with sudan anymorelol so ethiopia lost?
fr ethiopians really thought they were untouchable and could get away with being poor as hell yet block egypts life line. no wonder egypt wasn't being aggressive, they were funding tigray from behind closed doors
how we supporting TPLF in this thread, they deserve to be burned for what they did when they ran Ethiopia
We support war in Ethiopia and it breaking apart, war in tigray suits us perfectly. It further inflames Ethiopians to identify with Amhara/Tigray/Oromo and not we supporting TPLF in this thread, they deserve to be burned for what they did when they ran Ethiopia
We support war in Ethiopia and it breaking apart, war in tigray suits us perfectly. It further inflames Ethiopians to identify with Amhara/Tigray/Oromo and not Ethiopia.
I get supporting the tplf because of wanting ethiopia to disintegrate, but surely you don't actually like them? These scumbags have oppressed somalis for decadesMan TPLF war against Ethiopia amxaaro reminds me of the days of SNM war against Afweyna
Guul TPLF❤
That means the amhara dream is out of question.Possible turning point. 2 scenarios
1. ENDF tried to stay in Maqelle but TPLF won, ENDF left involuntarily. ENDF is weaker than we thought. A possible reason is pressure from OLA and BeniShangul region
2. Abiy retreated because of Western pressure as @xabashi noted and there might be secret/future negotiations between TDF, Abiy, and IC.