Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

Abiy Ahmed is trying to do what the former Chadian president Maréchal Idriss Déby did when he went to the front lines and got killed by the rebels last April

@Abba Sadacha

Oromos reject the handing of power to The Amhara Dameka Mackenon.

They're all the same, former EPRDF members, allies of the TPLF, who helped them loot Ethiopia.
So, we shall see if Demeke does anything differently, he may try to negotiate with the tplf, where they have ultimate autonomy, almost similar to SomaliLand.
they get federal budget, aid, etc, while retaining their own defense forces, because let's be honest, they ain't gonna trust the central govt to not use the army to try and subjugate tigray.