Still he is a puppet of afaworki.
Naah you are vile because you try pretending to be muslim when it suits you and cjange relihoon when you are present amongst amhara.
Secondly OPDO is a s filthy as TPLF.
I'd say, they need each other, so it's a mutually beneficial relationship [for them and their allies].
They have a common enemy, which unites them, the same way tplf and eplf were once united when they had common enemies. The same way SNM and Mengistu united, when they had a common enemy. The list goes on and on.
I do not want or need your validation for me, to be a Muslim.
I couldn't care less if you think I'm not one, Allah knows, and that's what counts.
Regardless of how bad OPDO is, I never said they were good, but I am saying that, they wanted revenge and are getting it. That's it.
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