
when will it be Amhara turn?
Wachis you finally came out as a naftanya after pretending to be Oromo.TPLF will eventually lose, whether you guys like it or not. This is not the same as their strength in 1980-1991. As an Oromo, i wish to see both sides weakened, abiy and his amhara elite allies, and the tigrayan elites-both of whom covet oromia's resources.
Key differences:
*During the war against mengistu, the tplf had allies throughout ethiopia fighting the derg at the same time, albeit at varying levels of intensity, and had a key ally in eritrea-the eplf.
today, they have no allies in eritrea or in ethiopia, nor are there any other guerrilla armies that would stretch the ethio defense forces-thus allowing them to concentrate more and more forces to the war in tigray.
*They could count on getting supplies, fuel, etc, from Sudan and Eritrea-both of those borders are closed today.
*Tigrayans are not as eager to fight their own countrymen and women, just to defend tplf fat rich cats, who send their kids to schools in the west, while sending tigrayan kids to die fighting fellow ethiopians.
Wachis you finally came out as a naftanya after pretending to be Oromo.
Today Oromo support Tigrayans more than Amharas.
Secondly Tigrayans know the reality is if they give up they will be ethnic cleansed.
Just look at Addis ababa they are being purged from civil service and other govt jobs.
They also ethnic profiling them.
Here is an Oromo guy speaking in Somali talking about the reality.
There is no chance TPLF will come back to Addis Ababa.But the worst outcome is the Amhara fuedalist who are 100 times more dangerous than TPLF.Yes, everyone who tells the truth, and disagrees with YOUR point of view, is a ''nafetenya.''
What a genius you are sir! Wow!
Oromos do not need to support either side, neither side is an ally of Oromos, as if we're supposed to forget that tigrayan soldiers were raping and killing Oromo's just a few year's ago?!
Both sides could destroy each other, that would be great for us Oromo's to build our own independent Oromo political parties and army.
Who said Tigray should give up? I am being objective here, I do not support either side, because neither side is an ally of Oromos, both would like to exploit our resources and both have historically-tigrayan and amhara elites. I'd like to see them both give each other bloody noses and LOSE.
I said, that the TPLF will LOSE, most likely, because things aren't the same as they were in the 80's and 90's. They have no allies, no way to import the essentials they need to sustain a protracted war, and many more things.
Abiy and his govt are enemies of us both-oromos and tigrayans, difference is, tigrayans aint our allies either!
There is no chance TPLF will come back to Addis Ababa.But the worst outcome is the Amhara fuedalist who are 100 times more dangerous than TPLF.
In politics there is no permanent enemies of friends.
So today I route for TPLF more than the Murtad Abye who is nothing more than Amhara suprimacist agent.
I would also prefer TPLF over OPDO.
Just like Amharas you seem to undermine TPLF who have fought Amharas for 10 days .
While Oromos cannot even use their rebels to block the roads that lead to Addis so much of freedom fighters.Tou guys are only good at hacking somali civilians with machettes.
Your politicians are all in jail.just because you tryst anyone that calls himself Oromo.
Where is the clown Lema Magarsa?
You guys have the best opportunity.Make hay while the sun shines.I know that, but it does not mean we consider TPLF as allies, when they were just killing, raping, and destroying our people and land a few years ago.
It means, we take advantage of their war with our other enemies, and hope they both destroy each other, to the point that neither side can pose a threat to us.
It means, while they fight, we oromos organize under WBO/OLF and make a strong defense force across Oromia that can become Oromia's new government, and even work with other federalists to make a new overall govt for ethiopia, and if non federalists, like amhara elites, dislike it, let them secede if they wish.
get it, now?
instead of choosing one evil, over the greater evil, i want oromo's to do better and say no to both evils!
the ones in jail, are the ones who thought that peaceful struggle can work, when you are in a third world country ruled by brute force and might is right type of mentality.
i've always wanted a strong OLF to counter the heavily armed amhara and tigrayan elites.
Not Somalia though.I believe the entire horn region will somehow be affected imagine the waves of refugees fleeing in droves to their neighbouring countries.
true who would even want to tahrib to a nation thats in ruins populated by people who don't even like nor would'n bat eye if and when they kill uNot Somalia though.
amharas and tigrays might be fighting but the losers are
perhaps countries like sudan djbutii and eritrea but i doubt anybody want to tahrib to somalia especially since the country wouldn't be better then a wartorne ethiopiaI believe the entire horn region will somehow be affected imagine the waves of refugees fleeing in droves to their neighbouring countries.
Take the Syrian civil war for example, it devastated the already in debt and corrupted Lebanese economy , the Jordanians couldn't handle dozens of IDP pouring in .
This is a similar case and it's escalating at a rapid pace
looking at the map, i don't understand how oromos took abuse for so long when they outnumber everyone and can raise 5X the army of everyone else? how did you get abused by tigrays and amharas when there are more oromos than both combined?I'd say, they are the biggest losers, since their civilians will be effected more than ours.
We'd be losers if we didn't take advantage and build up our own capacity to defend ourselves, especially us Oromo's since we're at the center of the country and occupy the most strategic and resource-rich lands in the Ethiopian Empire.
Our Somali brothers and sisters, unfortunately just like us, are governed by Abiy's chosen yes men.
And the ONLF is too clan-ish to mobilize and unite all somali clans. They are too focused on ogadeni affairs and so on, as opposed to all somalis, which will never work. there's the issa, there's the jidwaq, there's the marehan, there's the isaaq, and many other clans there, the ogaden just happen to be the largest clan there.
ouchperhaps countries like sudan djbutii and eritrea but i doubt anybody want to tahrib to somalia especially since the country wouldn't be better then a wartorne ethiopia
Tigray had the army and access to international funds and local taxes of course they'd have the biggest leverage.looking at the map, i don't understand how oromos took abuse for so long when they outnumber everyone and can raise 5X the army of everyone else? how did you get abused by tigrays and amharas when there are more oromos than both combined?
as for your point on onlf, you're spot on, except the rest of the clans you mention spend their days sabotaging onlf so onlf and ogadens don't trust them. it's a somali problem.
its the truthouch
Do oromos want independence?Tigray had the army and access to international funds and local taxes of course they'd have the biggest leverage.
looking at the map, i don't understand how oromos took abuse for so long when they outnumber everyone and can raise 5X the army of everyone else? how did you get abused by tigrays and amharas when there are more oromos than both combined?
as for your point on onlf, you're spot on, except the rest of the clans you mention spend their days sabotaging onlf so onlf and ogadens don't trust them. it's a somali problem.