1. You just proved my point even further, niggas have been doing this shit since way back then
2. There was no slavery, in fact I've only seen that being said on here, even deluded MJs on Somnet don't say that shit, did your Hooyo lie to you? :siilaanyolaugh:
3. You beat and had control (with your foreign masters help) of Sacad territory only, got nothing to do with my ancestors![]()
1. You just proved my point even further, niggas have been doing this shit since way back then
2. There was no slavery, in fact I've only seen that being said on here, even deluded MJs on Somnet don't say that shit, did your Hooyo lie to you? :siilaanyolaugh:
3. You beat and had control (with your foreign masters help) of Sacad territory only, got nothing to do with my ancestors![]()
They have always had masters, yemenis in the past, kenyans nowOk
1. You just proved my point even further, niggas have been doing this shit since way back then
2. There was no slavery, in fact I've only seen that being said on here, even deluded MJs on Somnet don't say that shit, did your Hooyo lie to you? :siilaanyolaugh:
3. You beat and had control (with your foreign masters help) of Sacad territory only, got nothing to do with my ancestors![]()
They have always had masters, yemenis in the past, kenyans now![]()
You should ignore him he doesn't even speak af soomaliLol let's say that is true, give me one proof of slavery you lot keep going on about
This is picture of Majerteen occupied Hobyo in 1923, in the background is the fort MJs built on-top of land they conquered from hawiye, and those huts right next to the castle is where the local conquered hawiye tribes lived. Most of them were reer baadiyo and had no idea the weapons the technologically advanced MJs were using. They even thought the musketeers MJs used to defeat them was dhuuso (fart) because they had never heard of the sound of firing musketeers. This is hawiye aqli in a nutshell throughout most of Somalia history, small brained reer baadiyo to the core.
You should ignore him he doesn't even speak af soomali
Ikr that's the weird thingSay wallahi, not at all? Wtf. That is weird that hes constantly insulting other clans then![]()
This is picture of Majerteen occupied Hobyo in 1923, in the background is the fort MJs built on-top of land they conquered from hawiye, and those huts right next to the castle is where the local conquered hawiye tribes lived. Most of them were reer baadiyo and had no idea the weapons the technologically advanced MJs were using. They even thought the musketeers MJs used to defeat them was dhuuso (fart) because they had never heard of the sound of firing musketeers. This is hawiye aqli in a nutshell throughout most of Somalia history, small brained reer baadiyo to the core.
I wouldn't be surprised of they felt threatened by us Somalis. Marehan even moved into the islands in the early 2000s. And now they have Hartis on their doorstep aswell. And they live as a minority in Ras Kamboni too.Baajuun better straighten up. Bandar Salama is on the coast, which is Harti territory. They own the waterless islands off the coast, and some land on the coast south of Bandar Salama.
Btw no one is blocking them from creating a town on the coast, they simply do not have the numbers.
Majeerteen genius never ceases to amaze me. Hu2s were living like it was 187 BC
It was those times when Hu2us were whipped into submission. Siad Barre kindness allowed for 91 apeout
MJ policy proved effective![]()
No wonder I have HG great grandmothers from each of the three main subclans.Not only sacad territory moryaan boy, Hobyo Sultanate controlled from beledweyne, Ceel Buur, Hobyo to Galkacyo and Geldain in Ethiopia, pretty much entirety of Habar Gidir, Cayr & Saleeban included.
Gardarada ma ficno sxb. Walaalkaaaga gardaran looma hiiliyo. Gardarada laga qabta.Beesha Siciid Harti deserve anything they want in Somalia wallahi you guys don’t understand how much this clan sacrificed for the sake of Somalinimo and Islam from Sayidka and his Darawiish to the Siyad and his Kacaan Issaq would be Christians if it wasn’t for them Guuul Darawiishta MX and Dhulos is the same to me![]()