adeer needs to hang up his boots and enjoy retirement
he is actually not allowed, ahmed banned him, he only survived due to ahmed, the Ogaden sarkals wanted to execute him but ahmed begged them, he is persona non grata or shoot to kill if he sets foot in jubaland,
mareahn doesnt have the numbers, of the 1000 ergo 680 waa absame who will pick presdeint, if its mps then waa absame majorty, marehan has 120 ergo and harti have 20 ergo out of 1,000
numbers waa important, absame simply has the numbers as they are the only tribe with mps and ergos and counties/ districst from the 3 gobals,
numbers speak, even a jarer ran against ahmed back in 2015, barre is shoot to kill but any other mareahn is welcome to run