comedian says raising another man’s child is mental illness

This is the same demographic that have higher rates of men not even looking after their blood. They want women to be single forever after abandoning their children or after dropping dead and for their kids to never have a role model.

Women, understand that these men believe that if you end up single, you and your children should be punished. Even if it’s a case of him walking out on you or him beating the living day lights out of you. They’re trying to program men into seeing divorced mothers into social pariahs whilst after abandoning women or getting a divorce they can start over again with a never married woman.
I’m not mad at this because I wouldn’t get with a single dad. But if you are a single dad, don’t be talking too much about single moms. Y’all in the same boat.

Back home people don't blur nothing. If a man gets married to a woman with 3+kids he will tell her straight up to give the kids back to their father and that he won't raise the children for a man who is the same age as him and alive. If its 1 child, then they will be uncomfortable about it and reluctantly accept but the mum will introduce the husband as an adeer to the child and that's how their relationship will be defined.

The tricky situation is when the child is under 5 then he will call the adeer abo along with the other siblings but once he gets older he will realise that he has a different dad and abtirsi to his brothers. That's when the kid unfortunately will feel alienated and not really a part of his mums new family and it will lead to a lot of cuqdo.

Whereas for a man who has kids from an earlier marriage, his new wife will be called edo/ayo and never hoyo unless the kids are really young. Somalida back home wixi dhehaan "Edo arxaan laay" lol. So a lot of guys who have the option instead of taking their kids to their new edo by marriage they will take the kids to their ayeeyo and send the ayeeyo money for the kids maintenance.

Only exception I've seen is if the children are orphans. 1 or 2 the new husband will raise, if they are more than the uncles and aunts will divide the kids and raise them.

Oh and one last thing. Somali guys back home absolutely hate a divorcee with a son, if it's a daughter then it's cool but a son? They have a fear that the boy will get too jealous and confrontational. And vice versa a lot of men are cool with taking their sons to a edo, but with daughters a lot of the time ayeeyos won't allow the daughter to live with an edo.
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His demographic have far more pressing concerns than stepping up to raise children that aren’t their own. Why doesn’t he advise his community to not to create single mothers?

Around 65-70% of African Americans have children out of wedlock, 50-60% of African American children are raised by single mothers, and 59-62% of African American women have two or more children with multiple fathers.
We are 💯 Muslims we don’t have the same culture and traditions with African Americans who have kids out of wedlock.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Does this even happen in our community? I haven’t heard of a single person who was raised by a stepfather.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Thats why hes a comedian. I've been raised by somali women and men who arent even blood related to me but still saw me as family. And they shaped me to be the person I am today and I am grateful for them. I like the Somali Dhaqan of it not only takes parents to raise a kid but community. We have to step up and help these poor kids.
My granny raised about 4 orpans not blood related to her or any kin, it's our duty as muslim and somali to take on the burden when there no governmental organisation, you'll rarely see any orpans in my kneck of the woods due to this generosity.
I will not go as far to call it a mental illness. I just don't like the idea of raising something that's not my seed. Perhaps if it was my brother and I'm stepping in to support. Then I could see that as acceptable but a strangers seed? No, hell no! I'm not devoting resources to raising another mans child that is crazy. Time is not something you get back so while your out their grinding to support another man child you could've got with a girl and had fathered your own children. Now the only way for this not to be a huge L is if the single mom makes money too and handles her own kids. Then fair play but even then I wouldn't recommend locking in with a lady who already had children with another man or a (non virgin lady in general but that may just be me :chrisfreshhah: )
My granny raised about 4 orpans not blood related to her or any kin, it's our duty as muslim and somali to take on the burden when there no governmental organisation, you'll rarely see any orpans in my kneck of the woods due to this generosity.
Your Ayeeyo is a honourable women. May Allah bless her and may Jannah be in her cards.


Shaqo la'an ba kuu heysaata
Does this even happen in our community? I haven’t heard of a single person who was raised by a stepfather.
Single motherhood is common in the somali community. But divorce and single motherhood is less stigmatized in western Somali communities which is why it's easy for somali women to get remarried.
blood is not the only way to create family
But imagine that kids farther was in prison and you raised them for 5 years now the oldest is 10. Once there farther get out there mothers leave's and puts s you on child support for children you never had :williamswtf: :drakelaugh:. This actually a true story that happened to my madows guy :kendrickcry:


But imagine that kids farther was in prison and you raised them for 5 years now the oldest is 10. Once there farther get out there mothers leave's and puts s you on child support for children you never had :williamswtf: :drakelaugh:. This actually a true story that happened to my madows guy :kendrickcry:
I call cap. You can't put child support on a guy who isn't on the birth certificate :comeon:


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