Comedy: Ethiopian Hercules 🇪🇹 threatened Somalis, Egyptians and Sudanis and said he will knock them out

Being pro-ethiopian nationalist while being Muslim or Oromo, is stockholm syndrome galore, nevermind the religious solidarity aspect of it. If we look at how the state ideology is built on persecuting and subjugating both of those groups from the inception of their modern history.

And then when you realize the people that helped aid them and defend against it was the Somalis.

But you are right though, they will unite with their christian counterparts that despises them to come at Somalis.

Many of them were allied with the Christians against the Muslims/Somalis throughout the medieval period who by in large came to free and liberate them. I honestly think it's some sort of survival tactic , like the portuguese said about Afar/Danakil ''out of self perservation'' they were submissive to them.

Somalis historically just possessed greater strenght and resource advantage to match against the Christians.

Yeah it was Afar. It was both Al-Hayim the Yemeni called their King Kamil Al-Dankali ''Muslim in name only'' and Murad who called them Muslim Kaffirs



and it continues to this day. Nothing has changed, it's not just Ethiopians even Swahilis were seen as mostly nominal in comparison to Somalis, who was always described as a staunchly devout and practicing. This is why the Swahili coast was occupied for a long time and portuguese were unsuccessful in occupying Somalia and had to attack us from a distance. Somalis resisted the strongest out of religious devotion and duty to protect their land and religion. Thats why you have more detailed written accounts of the swahili coast and their inner working by the portuguese because of that long occupation but you don't have that with Somalis which are brief impressions passing by.

We are seen as the keepers and defender of Islam in the region, that why there is the most pronounced Islamophobia towards us and consolidated agenda. Even in the diaspora. Others tend to drop or shy away from expressing their Muslim faith in fear of condemnation, ridicule or persecution and try to fit in to appease those around them. With us it's the opposite.

Even today, they do not seem to make an effort to spread Islam and give dawah to their neighbours, Somalis spread Islam in the region and nearly all of our neighbouring groups accepted Islam, but it halts there.

Even now, Somalis make huge efforts in dawah throughout Africa and Islam has grown in countries with a Somali diaspora. I some threads here where they were giving dawah in Uganda and South Africa. I recently shared some videos of africans in Somalia converting to Islam.

In fact they accept murtads like abiy ahmed and flip flopping between religions.

It is really strange. Oromo's are newer to Islam but still... it is strange.


Even today, they do not seem to make an effort to spread Islam and give dawah to their neighbours, Somalis spread Islam in the region and nearly all of our neighbouring groups accepted Islam, but it halts there.

Even now, Somalis make huge efforts in dawah throughout Africa and Islam has grown in countries with a Somali diaspora. I some threads here where they were giving dawah in Uganda and South Africa. I recently shared some videos of africans in Somalia converting to Islam.

In fact they accept murtads like abiy ahmed and flip flopping between religions.

It is really strange. Oromo's are newer to Islam but still... it is strange.

I also think there is really no dissonance between Somali identity and our Muslim faith. It's seen as one in the same. It's been shaped iover a millennia and it prolly came more natural to us because we were already monotheistic and shared the same bedouin (pastoral) culture it was revealed to. Somalis were likely the hijrah he sent to and the Barbar's the prophet SWT mentioned. So our connection is deeprooted and also because we had also pre-islamic urban culture which is where Islam has its greatest expressions via mosques and congregation prayers and learning. Towns and cities acted as distribution nodes for religious learnings into the rural country sides.

Whereas for Oromo's and others who haven't been Muslim for long often times it must feel like for them that they are divorcing themselves from their Oromo culture which contains a lot of non-muslim elements. Historically they like many African groups have always been more rural in nature.

Also Dawah may come more natural to us because we are travelers ,maritime goes, traders so we spread our faith along the way.

Thats my guess.


Somalis resisted the strongest out of religious devotion and duty to protect their land and religion.

We are seen as the keepers and defender of Islam in the region, that why there is the most pronounced Islamophobia towards us and consolidated agenda. Even in the diaspora. Others tend to drop or shy away from expressing their Muslim faith in fear of condemnation, ridicule or persecution and try to fit in to appease those around them. With us it's the opposite.

This is sort of comparable to the Algerian Jihad against the French colonialist that you shared with me @Galool some time ago, they got the most brutal reprisal for resisting/Jihad and being steadfast upholders of Islam.

To add more to this: Most Ethopians suffer ''Ahmed Gragn(Ahmed Gurey) Syndrome'' i

@Shimbiris Would also probably apperciated this account by Salman the Ottoman Admiral that fought alongside Zayla Ship Admirals in defending Mecca said this:

''Most learned books are distributed from Zaila. That province is the frontier of Islam'' ''' Every year raids are carried out against infidel Habash, on the path of Allah by way of holy war and they fight hard''
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