Compilation of the GOAT Trump

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Nonsense, I'm very SJW. I love (biological, non-artificial) women and I love (ethnic) minorities. What I don't love is mental illnesses propagated by the Jews.

#feminism #BLM

You've described the anti-sjw radical feminist :icon lol::icon lol: A true sjw knows that choice feminism is supreme; where Kim K and Mia khalifa are just as equally important to the liberation of all women as are Rosa Parks and Simone du Beauvoir. Also, no more cosmetic-surgery shaming (her body, her choice after all) and stop the transphobia too. :ufdup:Seems like you still have some twitter/tumblr catching up to do.

P.s. It's actually #AllBLM...and the only time you're allowed to be an anti-Semite is when you're being pro-Palestine. :birdman:
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