Confirmation Somalia Palestinians

Do you agree what HSM did

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He should put them in SL in order to close the door to ictiraaf :trumpsmirk:
Just imagine the money he making off of agreeing to love Palestine to Somalia. I don't think HSM really wants them in Mogadishu due him knowing how much a problem these people will cause. In addition to this I don't think SL wants them ether. They may just throw them in PL and pay off Deny what hes owes them.
Just imagine the money he making off of agreeing to love Palestine to Somalia. I don't think HSM really wants them in Mogadishu due him knowing how much a problem these people will cause. In addition to this I don't think SL wants them ether. They may just throw them in PL and pay off Deny what hes owes them.
Nah, PL isn’t looking for ictiraaf unfortunately so it doesn’t make sense. Not that I support this.
That'll backfire very hard, because no Muslim in the world including Palestinians themselves want to leave.
Somalis in the west will become a major target until it becomes unbearable.
We'll get launched by other Muslims in the west, the liberal whites, Madows and other liberal Allied non white Ajinabis.
Somalia will lose most of Xawaalad money.

Unless we're getting our own marshall plan of hundreds of billions worth of investment in all sectors of our economy to become a self reliant and a major oil and gas exporter, we're doomed forever.

If we're selling ourselves let's secure our survival and prosperity like the gulf countries did.
Knowing how stupid and shortsighted and clueless of scale these Somali politicians are they'll probably take like a couple billions for themselves and ruin our entire existence for good.
Let's see if Somalis have any survival instincts and save themselves from an existential threat or proof themselves that they actually have animal level IQ score or 67.

Any human capable human civilization would for sure understand the magnitude of such a Jambal and would not accept to extinction without putting up an honourable fight.

We'll have like Zero support on the international stage, probably most of the countries will deny to associate with us.
No trade, no investment, no diaspora sending remittance money, no climate changes incentives. When things get messy even these republican evangelicals will throw us under the bus. Nobody treats a dirty cheap prostitute with any dignity.

This Palestine issue is very messy matter that countries million times more capable than us don't want touch it.
Let's us not get ourselves into a mess that we can't survive.
The more I hear about this whole Palestinians coming to Somalia story the more it cracks me up lmaoo.

Even if FGS accepts, HSM literally doesn't have the power to enforce such a policy. Every regional government and local qabil are going to vehemently reject Palestinians coming to their clan territories. How is a government that doesn't control land beyond the capital gonna invite millions of refugees? Somaliland is also hilarious since the state has like 3-4 million people. Straight up ethnic replacement.

That said, the fact that Sudan, a larger Arabic speaking country that is in complete shambles made a quicker response to this ridculous deal than FGS says it all.
