BREAKING NEWS Confirmed by Western Gaalo newspaper: Farmajo has sent 10,000 SNA troops to kill Tigray civilians, rip up holy books and behead priests

MT Foxtrot

If you werent so ignorant youd realize this is ADDITIONAL evidence to an ongoing story that has been reported earlier. Just throw in the towel and admit you are a genocide denier please

You're not going to browbeat me. Post evidence that isn't unverified eyewitness accounts or stop pretending you have anything to say.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Damn, the one time @AbdiGaalDoon ventures into Somali politics and he’s getting karbaashed by everyone.

So much for a welcome.

Hold your head up high, at least you’ve given the N&N and anti-farmaajo supporters something to unite on.


Stop Trudeau's Black racism and mass immigration
Staff Member
Damn, the one time @AbdiGaalDoon ventures into Somali politics and he’s getting karbaashed by everyone.

So much for a welcome.

Hold your head up high, at least you’ve given the N&N and anti-farmaajo supporters something to unite on.

Karbashing me when a dozen come out of the woodwork to protect their dictator and clan to simply call it fake news?

The evidence and information is in the article and they deny it.
Gaalo news trying to portray Somalis as barbaric black muslims that kill Christians in churches

Fake news as it gets, trying to blame Somalis for their barbaric acts


Stop Trudeau's Black racism and mass immigration
Staff Member
Gaalo news trying to portray Somalis as barbaric black muslims that kill Christians in churches

Fake news as it gets, trying to blame Somalis for their barbaric acts

That paper bootyclaps for Muslims every other day. Stop making excuses.


Kkkkk denying the reports from a prestigious award winning woke paper that always makes excuses for black people.

I stand up for the human rights of all humans. Massacres of civilians are wrong. I shouldn't have to say that. Denying eye witness and even officials who state this information is an insult to everyone's intelligence.

Farmajo and the SNA must be condemned and taken to The Hague for crimes against humanity.
Think logically for once please, we can’t do shit against people within our country itself so how would we even be able to move to those 2 shitty countries?

what happens between Ethiopians and Eritreans is between themselves and they want us to be inserted into their beef


Bantu Liberation Movement
This is so sad I hope you can take responsibility for what you people did and pay reparations.


Kkkkk denying the reports from a prestigious award winning woke paper that always makes excuses for black people.

I stand up for the human rights of all humans. Massacres of civilians are wrong. I shouldn't have to say that. Denying eye witness and even officials who state this information is an insult to everyone's intelligence.

Farmajo and the SNA must be condemned and taken to The Hague for crimes against humanity.
You're claiming more than half of the Current SNA are occupying Tigray when the Somali liyu police aren't even trusted to be canon fodder.


You're not going to browbeat me. Post evidence that isn't unverified eyewitness accounts or stop pretending you have anything to say.
Tf does "unverified eyewitness" mean 😭?
Do you know who wrote this piece? Do you even know what journalism is?
Isaaq genocide part 2. Everybody will deny the evidence until Axum is leveled to the ground and 100k innocnt people are dead. May the Tigrayans gain independence from these barbaric Amharas and bring these Eritrean nigglets + kacaanist Xaarmajo to international court.
This is a fake story that has been debunked and evolved for propaganda multiple times. Even Harun Maruf of VOA interviewed the few parents who spoke on video and they confirmed they spoke to their sons who never stepped foot in Tigray.

Now the story has changed to merciless Somalis beheading priests inside churches to give it a religious dimension. Fake story.


Gaalo news trying to portray Somalis as barbaric black muslims that kill Christians in churches

Fake news as it gets, trying to blame Somalis for their barbaric acts
Yeah and 10.000 seems unlikely, our skinny ass soldiers are shit. Those dudes can’t even take care off the mongrels living in Somalia


Engineer of Qandala
The integrity of Western newsmedia was exposed with the "weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" propaganda they ran in the lead up to the war there.


Some of you people are just amazing. Some keep repeating already disproven points and others say "where are pics?". If you ppl didnt have room temprature iq you would know the there is internet shutdown in tigray and many of the recorded war crimes that has surfaced has been filmed by soldiers themselves in the act. Again do you know how long it took for pics of somali troops to surface? And interestingly do you know who took those pics? An eritrean soldier! You people are just genocide deniers wallahi. It is as easy as that

Ive seen you nnbots join the #NoMore movement. Siding with the neftenya abiy and absolute despot afwerki, so i dont want to hear "why insert somalis", when your lord farmajo did


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