Congratulations Dhulbahante tribe

Looks like Reer SSC are finally uniting.

it’s time to kick out the terrorist SNM regime from Laasacanood!! These people have been playing victim for too long.

The Garaad of the Dhulbahante tribe Garaad Jaamac pictured praying in the outskirts of Kalabaydh. Today he will reach Laascanood in’sha’allah


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40 years of lies and propaganda by the SNM regime is coming to an end.

Somalia is 1 nation and will never accept secessionist.

Soon Awdal & Sanaag regions will be liberated from the fascist self hating regime

It seems Dhulbahante want to partake in the upcoming PL one man one vote elections, we will see if they make it in time.


This works well for Muse Bihi, he can now tell SNM ppl, I need term extension to bring back SOOL. All them SNM thugs will say YES and he gets another 2 years loooooooool


We can justify SSC joining the federal member states becuz of it's unique situation of being Unionist in the North, this will shut down copy-cat states emerging in other regions.
This works well for Muse Bihi, he can now tell SNM ppl, I need term extension to bring back SOOL. All them SNM thugs will say YES and he gets another 2 years loooooooool

we need SNM to take military actions against SSC so that their victim story can be exposed.
Their entire lifeline for international recognition depends on crying about a dead man from the past that tried to “massacre” their clan lool

teaching their kids and their youths to hate on other Somalis because of the action of few evils from the past.


we need SNM to take military actions against SSC so that their victim story can be exposed.
Their entire lifeline for international recognition depends on crying about a dead man from the past that tried to “massacre” their clan lool

teaching their kids and their youths to hate on other Somalis because of the action of few evils from the past.

This will hurt their secessionist claim, as the world will say, ur behaving like a tyrant now, we don't need more tyrants joining the world stage. Plus the civil war it will cause with PL is already gonna hurt their chances.

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
we need SNM to take military actions against SSC so that their victim story can be exposed.
Their entire lifeline for international recognition depends on crying about a dead man from the past that tried to “massacre” their clan lool

teaching their kids and their youths to hate on other Somalis because of the action of few evils from the past.
So u want SNM to take innocent lives in SSC to undermine their ictiraaf? Whats is human lives for u? Using them merely as pawns

pathetic fear Allah


@SPMLegend the biggest factor hurting SL isn't really even a potential SSC OR PL war. It's HAMAR, that's why their so vested in destroying it thru shabab. If hamar isn't there, and we have no u.n membership, they can easily tell the world to recognize them without breaking u.n rules of respecting member states borders. I know these SNM duli plans. But It's hamar who actually thinks their friends thru IRIR. That's why SL leaders always YELL AT HAMAR.


That's why PL objective was to restore itself and restore hamar, as u can see we don't care for GM/HS or any of their towns. Without Hamar restored, our spot in the U.N wouldn't be recognized and therefore no protection from other nations recognizing SL.
So u want SNM to take innocent lives in SSC to undermine their ictiraaf? Whats is human lives for u? Using them merely as pawns

pathetic fear Allah

you are taking my words out of context.
today we are in the Golden age of social media where everything is recorded and cannot be hidden.
Sooner or later SNM Will try to attack sool region and dhulbahante tribe to try and force them under occupation once again. My message to Dhulbahante is to take out their cameras and record the upcoming crimes that the SNM regime is planning to carry out from their bases so that the whole world can be witness to

SNM is getting funding from Great Britain that pays the wages of their soldiers. The people of sool must show the international community the crimes being committed by these rogue militas

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This works well for Muse Bihi, he can now tell SNM ppl, I need term extension to bring back SOOL. All them SNM thugs will say YES and he gets another 2 years loooooooool

No cares about that loser biixi he is isaaqs problem. This is dhulbahante time to shine.

And what a victory they have. Guul to dhulbahante.