Controversial Netflix Halimo responds too Twitter haters

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Been there, done that
I always find it strange and somewhat cringe as well when someone compliments themselves or speaks of themselves so positively like this. It is either a sign of a complex/uqdad or, god forbid, an unhealthy amount of narcissism. My mother always said you ought never compliment yourself. Do not denigrate yourself either but simply be neutral and comfortable with yourself but also daring, confident and ambitious. If you are ever to be complimented it ought to come from other people but even then take their compliments with as much salt as their insults and do not base your view of yourself on them.
Agreed, complimenting yourself publicly is such a strange thing. It's why I only do it alone in the mirror.
Reality tv has destroyed people's minds she thinks she's special when in reality a monkey can do the same thing she is doing on a dating show .

She's no Beyonce in looks or talents but yet her forehead is bigger every time I see her in a thread on here aka big headed for no reason .

Halimos who respect themselves and act proper are the true queens that represent our people , not some loser chick who begs a ugly black dude for his malab and then gets denied for a white chav .


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
I know there are good and bad in every group.. But what I'm referring to is, in our community especially the females tend to encourage or support the ones who do bad stuff and many people especially foreign men see Somali women as cheap because you have these group of loud and often times desperate for attention group of women and most often promoting inter racial mixing like this is the opitome of success.. There's a lot wrong with our women and this is the reason I've stopped bothering with them, I no longer care or identify with them.. I don't see them differently than an Ethiopian, a Phillipino or any other group of black women. This doesn't include my immediate family members.

You need to stop generalizing all Somali women , using your logic should we say all Somali men are criminals , pirates and terrorists ? Because that’s what they are portrayed like in the news?

And no , Somali women don’t encourage each other to do bad things. You need to pay less attention to TikTok and social media instead look at Somali women who are studying and building their communities and taking part in Quran competitions.

I guess these women will not attract much attention will they ?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It’s obvious to anyone who reads my posts that I would never condone her actions. They too know this, so explaining this is just a waste of your time. They simply cannot stomach that I frequently question their hypocrisy and why they feel the need to insult women en-masse. It’s clear to see that Somalispot is a haven of all sorts of dysfunctional incels and redpillers. They’ve even reached a point in which they lie about the ethnicity of my husband

The things is, their hatred of women has reached the point in which offering any explanation is enough to condemn you, despite the fact that they will often praise the worst of men. You can’t reason with people who are led by strong emotions rather than actually being honest.

I’ve read somewhere that she actually came as an 8 yr old and was adopted which you also pointed out. My whole post was that IF she was raised by gaals from that age, how can we expect her to have the same values as someone raised in a good Muslim home? This isn’t offering an excuse, but a point that illustrates that parents need to be in their child’s life and guide them.

Like I said, they fully understand my point, but because they have a personal agenda against me, they’ll simpy lie and twist my point.

The whole argument didn’t even start from that. It was because I dared to question why a poster would use Jawaher and other random dysfunctional women in social media to suggest that most Somali women are low value. Instead of being honest with themselves and question their bias, it is easier for them to lie about me.

There is no denying that Jawaher is incredibly hedonistic. The main reason why I assumed she was raised by gaals is because even the most hedonistic of Somali girls who were raised in Muslim homes would be too afraid to join a show that is literally about sex. Generally, Somali men and women tend to care about that the community thinks and usually hide rather than embarrassing themselves on an international platform.
I understand your points.
  • Apart of me thinks they like to argue with you. Some want to vilify anyone with a different perspective if it means using untrue ad hominins. It isn’t beneath them. I know this firsthand because I’ve also had anonymous people online lie about me for taking a different stance. This was a long time ago.
  • I commend your efforts. I don’t have the energy to go back and forth with them.
  • I know they enjoy getting a rise out of others, and many will do anything for clout or a sensational thread or post.
  • I’m aware that some harp about women when comparatively, men are involved in more risk-taking and destructive behaviour. Whether this is more of a function of social condition or neurobiology is another topic altogether.
  • I know the hypocrisy in that they co-sign men acting out deviant behaviour but claim women do the same.
  • What I find troubling is the elevation of women of other ethnic/racial groups who often belong to more sexually liberal and permissive cultures.
  • They mainly use this girl as an example because she’s an exceptionality and not the norm. You are right that even the Somalis with a wild streak tend to conceal this from the masses. Showing their ceeb to the world is very unlikely.
  • Though with the advent of TikTok and social media, oversharing has become widespread.
  • Yes, Somalis raised by other groups are culturally different.
  • The tendency to think that life is worse than it is or that people are more debauched than in reality is reflected in the negativity bias. It’s human to dwell on negative information more than positive. Humans are more attentive to negative than positive news. Negative emotions last longer than positive ones. We think about them more.
  • But I don’t think the guys want to reflect thoughtfully. Instead, they are more interested in trolling and catastrophizing.
Karen accent replicated successfully, lol.....
Thank you.
Becky sounds like a changed woman
interested rubbing hands GIF
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