Convicted: Birmingham gang who lured in men using dating apps and robbed them of thousands at knifepoint

£100,000 is crazy
They also faked injuries to target three further victims in quiet spots in Derby and Birmingham, robbing and attacking them when they stopped to help.

That part is also crazy.🤣

100k between four guys is nothing when you consider the time they got.


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
Ngl £73,406.10 from 8 individuals is crazy that’s almost 10K per person. How do they take that much I thought the economy was in shambles
In the same place on May 11 last year, a cyclist was attacked at knifepoint as he tried to help a man claiming his mother had been stabbed.

Nah these guys are some scum 🤣
Ngl £73,406.10 from 8 individuals is crazy that’s almost 10K per person. How do they take that much I thought the economy was in shambles
Victims mainly middle class to upper class gays with no children. For the grinder hits they probably targeted people with specific jobs. And 25k was just from one guy:

“The defendants also stole £25,000 from another victim who thought he was meeting a Grindr date. They assaulted him and pinned him to the ground, dislocating his shoulder. They demanded his phone and wallet, again threatening to stab him if he did not hand them over”

The men held the phone to his face to use facial recognition to access his banking apps and stole over £25,000 from his bank account – they also made him call the bank to say the transfer was legitimate”.

