Oh how convenient. It starts to spread worldwide just weeks ago and they are already seeing "promising results" in early testing of the drug. They think we are fools. Where are these "promising results" (i.e., cures) to cancers and HIV and dementia that you had decades to research and billions of donated dollars at your disposal?

COVID-19 was created by the pharmaceutical giants in protest to governments lowering drug prices and changes (or talk of changes) to patent laws/systems in many countries.


Bah Qabiil Fluid
Oh how convenient. It starts to spread worldwide just weeks ago and they are already seeing "promising results" in early testing of the drug. They think we are fools. Where are these "promising results" (i.e., cures) to cancers and HIV and dementia that you had decades to research and billions of donated dollars at your disposal?

COVID-19 was created by the pharmaceutical giants in protest to governments lowering drug prices and changes (or talk of changes) to patent laws/systems in many countries.

How did we get to a stage where this makes 100% sense to me


I don't trust them one bit, even one my professor has been indiciating on this being the truth as well it's insane. Why did we get into a position in which Big pharma can bully us like this without any problems
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This is bad, one of the biggest fears of the world health organisation was if the virus reached low income developing nations that don't have robust healthcare systems to tackle the rapid nature of viruses transmission.Lo and behold it has,stay safe people.


Sheekhaagu waa kuma?
I feel like this virus is still being underplayed. It might turn into a massive worldwide catastrophe, god forbid.