Show picture of Ugaas of Sade being there. I really doubt he would give relevancy to a self proclaimed boqor.The blatant lies since when is timacadde assads step father? Maybe timacadde is your step father but he most certainly aint assad step father and no boqor burhan, the suldaan of disheshe, the ugaas of ogaden, ugaas of sade, the garaad of awrtable, the suldaan of leelkaase all accompanied boqor burhan boqorka darood to sool and none of them were humiliated.
Show picture of Ugaas of Sade being there. I really doubt he would give relevancy to a self proclaimed boqor.
He made a claim and needs to back it up. There is no need for you to get emotionalYour response reeks of petiness.
Yeah assad is in his thirties the entire consitution of puntland was side stepped so he can run for president he is boqorooyo the same boqortooyo that has always ruled puntland the question is what can a laangaab like yourself do about it?
we're your boqoroo deal with itShow picture of Ugaas of Sade being there. I really doubt he would give relevancy to a self proclaimed boqor.