Countries best at English as a second language

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Small northern European countries have an inferiority complex regarding their own language. They hate it and wish they could just outright replace it with English if it weren't for the nationalists.

The larger European countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy) are a bit more proud of their language and hence feel less of a need to learn English well
Small northern European countries have an inferiority complex regarding their own language. They hate it and wish they could just outright replace it with English if it weren't for the nationalists.

The larger European countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy) are a bit more proud of their language and hence feel less of a need to learn English well

I think you may be right.

Every person under 40 speaks English in Scandinavia while a large amount of young people in the larger European countries can't speak English.


I think you may be right.

Every person under 40 speaks English in Scandinavia while a large amount of young people in the larger European countries can't speak English.

Their English is overrated though.

They often only speak basic/informal English. When you start using formal/academic words or idioms 90% of Scandinavians won't understand you.
Their English is overrated though.

They often only speak basic/informal English. When you start using formal/academic words or idioms 90% of Scandinavians won't understand you.

You know these people quite well :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

Whenever I said something that wasn't very basic, they'd always ask me what I meant lol something like what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Several of those city are also the ranked easiest to do business.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
I would say Swedes have better English than Danes in my opinion. It's not uncommon to see a Swede who only has the slightest hint of a Swedish accent when speaking English. They speak almost as well as natives.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Swedes are the best for sure. speak better English than most native speakers

Norwegians and Danes are pretty much the same too

What did you do after the recommedation?

It's very niche specific, most Somalis glance and scroll by it.
To be honest I didn't subscribe...I stumbled upon some somali girl's youtube page and subscribed to hers because it was hilarious. Yours is very much business oriented and I was confused by a lot of the jargon you were using. You seemed very passionate but I just couldn't follow...but considering it's fate that I bumped into you here...I will definitely subscribe in the next few days.
To be honest I didn't subscribe...I stumbled upon some somali girl's youtube page and subscribed to hers because it was hilarious. Yours is very much business oriented and I was confused by a lot of the jargon you were using. You seemed very passionate but I just couldn't follow...but considering it's fate that I bumped into you here...I will definitely subscribe in the next few days.

Thanks for the feed back. 75% of the subscribers are male and I realized that most women who follow Somali males will follow them for comedy.

My channel isn't comedic but it's interesting to see what sisters like.

The channel will stay business oriented. It's doing a great job if it's the NOT identifying to your interests
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