Crazy story on IslamQA

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
6 years... 6 WHOLE years smh :ohlord:he basically exposed himself to be trash during the first months of marriage and she still stayed with him. :snoop: I feel bad for her, he sounds like a sociopath with no empathy... like how are u going to cheat on ur wife right after she gives birth. :draketf: He probably exposed her to all sorts of STDs and diseases

Apparently she might also be possessed by jinnis



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I don't know why females ask ummah forum for advice. I swear they always find a way to blame women :mjlol:

I honestly can't believe someone could actually think that.

Every other khutbah I go to is about women


"Sisters, (incredibly retarded and/or irrelevant statement)"

I honestly can't believe someone could actually think that.

Every other khutbah I go to is about women


"Sisters, (incredibly retarded and/or irrelevant statement)"


Very true, and a lot of Muslim women I know are getting really sick and tired of the double standards.
I don't know why females ask ummah forum for advice. I swear they always find a way to blame women :mjlol:

I just read the post. Its absolutely incredible some people still managed to make excuses for the guy. There is another thread on their about a woman saying her husbands bans her from the internet. A lot of the boys on there saying her husband is right and that internet is a distraction for women....whislt they are on the internet. The people on ummah forum live on another planet, one that is still stuck in the dark ages.
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