Cryptocurrency market trends I

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Im all in on SHIB f*ck it just put in 500 dollar if I lose it I dont care. I will exit crypto permanantly I am tired of crabbing I need 20k
Like I said before im still all in. Not exiting until mid Jan when I expect this current cycle to end. Mother of all alt seasons is still going to happen. I believe.
Paraswap just had their much awaited airdrop.

Sadly gone are the days of Uniswap simplicity whom gave away to everyone single wallet, even those with failed transactions. For Paraswap you should have done a minimum of 6 transactions + left a balance of minimum 200 dollars if you did multiwallet.

No doubt projects are trying to counter multiwallets and airdrop hunters, but this was just sad,
that project is now being accused of benefiting only friends and family of team.
The criterias where rather obscure and benefited only a tiny minority, leaving out majority of the community.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Nobody knows and I already said what I think in the above post.
Im becoming FUD now I pulled out majority of my portfolio to fiat, you were right sxb I am licking to many losses Bull run is friggin weak


Im becoming FUD now I pulled out majority of my portfolio to fiat, you were right sxb I am licking to many losses Bull run is friggin weak

I wouldn't sell untill it stays for two entire week under that system I talked about earlier (unlikely).


Forza Somalia!
for the degens

safe token
2.4k mcap, easy 10x and potentially just as easy a 100x
also had solid gains on this baby
currently at 430k mcap, if it follows the bonk tokens it'll hit several mils
wallah these ppl are falling for the same trap over and over
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