Cryptocurrency market trends I

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Forza Somalia!
Here's more info for another airdrop, this time regarding rose

Airdrop Missions (Instructions to Qualify):

Fill out the Airtable form here — with your Twitter and Telegram handles and your Oasis wallet address to claim testnet rose.*
Open an Oasis Wallet and fund with ROSE tokens **
Follow @Yuzu_Swap on Twitter
Like & Quote Tweet YuzuSwap’s Pinned Tweet + tag (@) 3 of your friends!
Join the YuzuSwap Telegram group
Follow @OasisProtocol on Twitter and Telegram
Like & Quote Tweet @OasisProtocol’s Pinned Tweet describing what excites you most about YuzuSwap

Swap YUZU with ROSE on YuzuSwap testnet
Provide liquidity to the ROSE-YUZU pool
Stake the LPT and start liquidity mining
Claim your trade and liquidity mining rewards
Unstake your LPT and remove liquidity from the pool

*ROSE Test Tokens will be sent in batches once a day at 12pm UTC starting the 30th November

** A snapshot of ALL Oasis Accounts will be taken on 7 December 2021 at 12am UTC. All accounts that have a balance of ROSE (>1 ROSE) at this time will complete mission #2 automatically.

NB: Holding ROSE on a crypto exchange will not qualify you to participate. You must hold full custody of your ROSE in your own wallet (use the Oasis Official wallets)

Jesus christ
This sound scam without even trying


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Be careful on telegram groups people are getting phished and keylogger losing all their crypto




ZCash has doubled (+100%) since I recommended it to you as a safe coin. Today it is up 18% as I am writing this.

While not impressive, it was an obvious trade thesis.

127 then, now 260.

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