Cryptocurrency market trends I

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It went from 56 to 78 now back to 63 this is my first shakeout forgive me still not selling though :jcoleno:

Luna? Damn never chase bro. Always have a plan otherwise you're gonna get wrecked.

Buy when everyone is crying and feeling depressed and hopeless not the other way round.

I hope everything crashes even more I'm praying BTC goes close to 40k or even below. All those youtubers bitboy crypto for e.g are smart spread FUD then buy the bottom then pump classic.
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Market is green now! Glad I didnt panic sell bulls are in control folks

Doomer GIF by World of Wojak



In the middle of 2022 most of the major Central Banks will stop printing huge amounts of new fiat.

Prepare for this.

This cycle got max 9 months left.


@Mount23 @Aurelian

Central banks printed a lot of money in 2020 and 2021 to help cover the rona crisis. Lately real inflation numbers have been going up and this has caused them to change policy in 2022. Most of the major ones will taper their fiat printing programs. This generally leads to less euphoria in markets.
@Mount23 @Aurelian

Central banks printed a lot of money in 2020 and 2021 to help cover the rona crisis. Lately real inflation numbers have been going up and this has caused them to change policy in 2022. Most of the major ones will taper their fiat printing programs. This generally leads to less euphoria in markets.

Might I ask what is the best way to safeguards ones values, buy an apartment before or after tapering? Stay in USDC?


Might I ask what is the best way to safeguards ones values, buy an apartment before or after tapering? Stay in USDC?

USDC or buy safu tokenized stocks* on FTX International while/if crypto crashes in late 2022 or early 2023 (*Amazon or AirBNB, those two are up only forever but slowly).


Many of the Elliot Wave dudes are saying the B wave topped in November potentially and we could get another dump like the summer and then another surprise pump in 2022 that actually goes to 100K BTC.

Go to YouTube and type '' bitcoin elliot wave '' to see what they are saying.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
WOW KuCoin just gave me 1000 USDT and 10 SAND airdrop for breaking 10 million user I love crypto
chandler bing happy dance GIF by Nick At Nite
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