Ghengis Kaarhis
Got a buy order set for 5$everyone should aim for at least 1000 DOT as well. Im hoping we can see under $3 DOT.

Got a buy order set for 5$everyone should aim for at least 1000 DOT as well. Im hoping we can see under $3 DOT.
it is already went zero, I can't believe some were waiting for something after what happenedgoing down.
If you haven't sold your luna and taken profits, you're investment is going to 0
yeah as soon as the supply kept increasing, it was over. Cant believe ppl thought it was going to go to $1 LMAOit is already went zero, I can't believe some were waiting for something after what happened
it will take a couple of weeks after BTC pumps for alts to catch up. Ethrm includedi hope we get 40-45k again for the short relief rally. There's no way in hell we're getting a bull market anytime soon especially with everything going on.
Great way to make money and buy ETH/BTC for cheap.
yesshort term rally?
I agree its not safe for most alts due to the scams. But You can play it smart by looking at the charts of bitcoin. In Any bear market your best bet is to ignore any altcoin and wait for bitcoin to start pumping into a bull market. It takes a while for alts to catch up so they'll be very low. That's when you join them on a ride to the top. Only when BTC is going crazy. Otherwise its not safe .Well this aged well. Bitcoin down massive
stocks down. Bonds down real estate burning. Fed raising rates
gold is the least worst but god’s money is already gaining momentum thanks to the artificial boom bubble being pricked
don’t waste money in crypto buy real assets like commodities and gold and silver
crypto has no underlying value and scams everyday
I agree its not safe for most alts due to the scams. But You can play it smart by looking at the charts of bitcoin. In Any bear market your best bet is to ignore any altcoin and wait for bitcoin to start pumping into a bull market. It takes a while for alts to catch up so they'll be very low. That's when you join them on a ride to the top. Only when BTC is going crazy. Otherwise its not safe .
Stick to your commodities gold and silver.ahahaha, Kid i have been trading when you were in primary school most likely
I have traded derivates such as:, options, futures, SPY etc as profession as well as econ macro analysis
bitcoin or crypto as of yet has no value, backed by nothing and too expensive and volatile to buy anything with it
that is my whole point, its a asset to buy and sell to a greater fool
and sooner or later you run out of fools
Stick to your commodities gold and silver.
Institutions and countries are fools apparently
El Salvador risks defaulting on debt amid Bitcoin crash
Sir this is a Wendy'ssorry to burst your bubble crypto worshiping kids
but when the chickens come home to roost, and the Fed and other central banks have drained liquidity out of the market and money si no longer free to borrow with minus interest rates
all the fake asset bubbles will burst
buy crypto when the Fed is forced to reverse interest rate rises and they cut rates because stock market/housing will crush
buy it then as the free money with low rates will bring back the money that gambles on these useless assets like crypto
i dare to name a useful case for crypto/bitcoin the other 20,000 fake coins out there cannot do and have not done?
gold: 6000 year history, jewellery, wedding, dentistry, mobile, laptops, computers, defence, satellites all sue gold and other industries
gold has useful cases and was a commodity before it became money,
and juniors as well as senior gold miners stocks are in massive cheap prices
we are in the everything except gold and silver bubble
kids with nappies think they know how to trade the money uncle Biden and trump gave them for welfare covid checks
He doesnt know anything, when Metaverses explode Crypto will be mainstream, its just inevitable. VR and AI will make cash and gold defunct.Sir this is a Wendy's
Which halal investments do you stick to? I go for crypto and traditional business like Ecommerce, logistics, and apps(tech)it used to take years of training before one can claim to be a trader
now kids think they are traders, when you ask them what is their risk management, they get shocked and do not know what that is
or when you ask them about their moving averages they use, what number of days of MACD
or you ask them with is their trading edge and their R/R ratio win rate and % of risk they get shocked
robin hood app ahs fooled a lot of young people thinking they are traders
this is sad, statistically 97% of you will lose 100% of your capital
please do not fall for the YouTube videos hype and get some serious educate
also stick to one assets top trading so many different assets, be a master of one rather than a jack of all trade
dont touch options, and avoid robin hood app, no trading app/broker is free, citadel and the other big boys will front run your trades
avoid derivates, futures, options like the plague, you need massive amounts o education to trade these
if you are doing Forex, stick to max 20/30 X leverage, do not do silly things like 100/200/300 and get wiped out
avoid binary, they are xaraam and gambling, its why UK banned it,
also forex beyond 10Pm London time becomes xaaraam as they charge riba LIBOR
avoid derivates, they are also xaraam, short selling or worse naked short selling is also xaraam, as you are charged riba and islamic economics and finance bans short selling
do not fall for the islamic NYSE or FTSE Islamic index, its pure xaraam, avoid any ETF/ index with a islamic name anywhere even in dubai, Malaysia, saudi
and of course avoid trading/selling/working in Bond LIBOR derivates, German Bund, any nation bond derivate/ interest swaps, all pure 100% xaraam
no islamic nation has even got islamic banking, all fake, just a name label;
remember hadith: the smallest type of riba is like sleeping with your mother in front of the kaaba 35 times, riba is horrible, avoid it
i see a lot of young traders professionally and retail traders too who have no clue what they are trading, islamcially
if you are under 35 take risks, if you are over, stick to good fundamentals when analysing stocks, dont take risks,
if you are under 25 take risks, buy stocks with strong concentration, but only if the fundamentals are right
fundamentals, ignore the hype and fake news of latest hot new app,/ start-up
avoid IPOs, most of the time the insiders make the money and then all on day one sell, and usually IPOs fall first 6-18 months
all stocks are 100% haram because even if they make halal goods, then they borrow money inevitably , buyer be aware
always look at shares outstanding before you buy, so now one dilutes the stock buy offloading, keep an eye on this
Riba is everywhere on earth, even Saudi banks, dont forget this, ignore the Islamic banking label, they actually charge higher riba and just called it a fee
just some tips from one who has been in the trenches of trading and macro Econ
both are good pickups tbf but if i had to lean to one id say sol.Solana or Cardano ?