Cushitic name change

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Kush empire folk were definitely close to Cushites rather than to Dinkas. So I don't get the whining of being confused with the Kush empire.

Meroitic was probably a Cushitic language.

Meinhof, Zhylarz and Kirsty Rowan were pushing very hard for Meroitic to be officially classified as a Cushitic language. The only obstacle was Griffith, as he prematurely classified it as Nilo Saharan.

Officially it is unclassified, the reality which is very much viable is that we can tentatively relate Meroitic to Cushitic. However we have to be careful because during this time, the migrations of Nilo Saharan speakers to the predominantly Cushitic Lower Nubia/Upper Egypt region already began. Thus Meroitic has a semblance of resemblance to both Cushitic and Nilo Saharan due to these reasons and because it was a primitive language, further studies weren't done. One thing is for sure, just like you said, racially they were absolutely Cushitic and not those blue black Nilotes.
I don't think anyone's been able to successfully translate Meroitic yet, so it's a bit early to decide what language family it's in
I don't think anyone's been able to successfully translate Meroitic yet, so it's a bit early to decide what language family it's in

"LATE MEROITIC WORD LIST a1, intensive prefix 'to'; element used to form the future tense a2, third person suffix 'he, it, she'. $ari, affirmation ah, teach, to learn, to study ab, ancestor, father ($$arrette, Harendotes (Horus the Avenger of his father) $Ariteñ, name of a god -an(a), plural suffix: wi-ne-ana 'much awe, much fright much respect' ap, ancestor; father api, the ancestor leaves 0(atsh, to glow ato, path, road, route 2. out here 3. absent, on tour, away 4. way , march, progressive atom, he is to be reborn; e.g. atonhene 's/he is be reborn to realize ale, the palm off the hand $ater, hero +$aro, long (time); olden times; perpetuate +$arone, perpetuation, perpetuity ato, suitable"

This and other articles claim the Oromo came up the Blue Nile from Meroe.
Many words have already been translated.

This isn't the same thing as understanding the language, and trying to determine only by words isn't accurate because languages borrow words from their neighbours. DNA doesn't exactly correspond with language either. This is a fool's errand to make a determination about what language family Meroitic is.

Also yes Megalommatis is completely insane.

Consider for a moment how two dodgy academics have "analyzed" Meroitic and one conclusively proved it was a Cushitic language and another conclusively proved it was a Nilotic language. This should cast doubt on the methodology used, not the conclusions, and both used the word lists (unconfirmed word lists at that, the word glossary is theoretical still).

This is a house built on sand.
This isn't the same thing as understanding the language, and trying to determine only by words isn't accurate because languages borrow words from their neighbours. DNA doesn't exactly correspond with language either. This is a fool's errand to make a determination about what language family Meroitic is.

Also yes Megalommatis is completely insane.

Your crazy if you think that DNA of ethnic groups that share languages do not have an extremely high probability of homogenity.
Loanwords can easily be determined due to geography. However the construct of Meroitic has already been somewhat studied. Your literally denying facts. Its not new, it's been studied since the last century. Albeit, there hasn't been much effort put into it.
Your crazy if you think that DNA of ethnic groups that share languages do not have an extremely high probability of homogenity.
Loanwords can easily be determined due to geography. However the construct of Meroitic has already been somewhat studied. Your literally denying facts. Its not new, it's been studied since the last century. Albeit, there hasn't been much effort put into it.

What facts? There are no facts here, Meroitic isn't a decyphered language, we don't know which modern ethnic group corresponds to ancient Merowe because no Meroitic remains have been genetically analyzed. This is all assumptions built atop more assumptions and guesses and wishes and fantasies.
What facts? There are no facts here, Meroitic isn't a decyphered language, we don't know which modern ethnic group corresponds to ancient Merowe because no Meroitic remains have been genetically analyzed. This is all assumptions built atop more assumptions and guesses and wishes and fantasies.

Meroitic was the written phonetic script of the ancient civilization of Kush, located for
centuries in what is now Northern Sudan.
The word ‘Meroitic’ derives from the name of
the city Meroë, which was located on the east bank of the Nile, south of where the Atbara
River flows off to the east. It is the oldest written script in Africa other than Egyptian
hieroglyphs and the related hieratic and demotic scripts. It has a hieroglyphic form using
some adopted Egyptian signs and a cursive form similar to demotic. The script had one
innovation uncommon in ancient written scripts, such as Egyptian hieroglyphics or Greek,
in that there was a word separator, similar in function to spaces in modern scripts, that looks
similar to a colon (fig.1). Meroitic is first attested in the 2nd century BC and was continuously
used until the fall of Meroë in the mid-4th century AD.
The script was rediscovered in the 19th and 20th centuries as Western archaeologists
began investigating the ancient ruins of northern Sudan. The first substantial progress in
deciphering Meroitic came around 1909 when British archaeologist Francis Llewellyn Griffith
was able to use a barque stand bearing the names of Meroitic rulers in both Meroitic and
Egyptian hieroglyphs. The Meroitic hieroglyphs were then corresponded to the Meroitic
cursive script, allowing the transliteration of Meroitic (fig.1). Some vocabulary was later
deciphered by scholars including loan words from Egyptian, gods, names, honorific phrases,
and other common words. However, the script remains largely undeciphered. The greatest
hope for decipherment, an inscription similar to the Rosetta Stone, containing writing in
Meroitic and a known language such as Egyptian, Greek, Latin, or Axumite, has yet to be
found. Further confounding research is the debate regarding which language family Meroitic
belongs to. Cognate analysis has proceeded extremely slowly due to the dispute as to which
language family Meroitic properly belongs.


Note: As you can see, the language has been partially deciphered, which is how assumptions were raised as to which language category it belongs to. But like I've mentioned earlier, everything is unclassified until further deciphering.

There's hundreds of links showing substantial deciphering. Read the links I've sent. No piipoin me having to re-source everything. Go back and read first.
I think we should just stick to black. Cushitic, Afro Asiatic, Niger Congo, Nilo Saharan, and Khoi Khoi is the crackers way of separating black people.
there are dıfferent types of black people from what ı have read we are more related to brown turegs than bantu

i disagree with you said
I live in Minnesota. All the Somalis in my neighborhood are pro black.
trust me brother blacks dont see you as brothers,if you go to their countries they will always isolate you,in the west cause they are also discriminated on and you are a foreigner both of your groups suffer the same,but somalis are different from bantus like how arabs are different from indians,just because you have black skin doesnt make you one of them,and they will never really except you,

where i live if you are somali they see you and treat you differently,yani they discriminate us,,dont be brainwashed brothers
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