So there's only two qabli T and e1b1bSxb if you aint Dir or Garxajis, you're E-V32.

So there's only two qabli T and e1b1bSxb if you aint Dir or Garxajis, you're E-V32.
Some Habar Awal clans are T.Ive met them on 23and meSxb if you aint Dir or Garxajis, you're E-V32.
Do you know any ciise muuse who did this?Some Habar Awal clans are T.Ive met them on 23and me
The Habar Awal with T were Cisse Muuse and some langaab Sacad Muuse minority clans.As for the Abokor and all his sons are E1b1b.Habar Jeclo are also E1b1b.Do you know any ciise muuse who did this?
So there's only two qabli T and e1b1b![]()
E1b1b and T are irrelevant,Since Isaaq clans mixed with each other 90% of my matches are Isaaq specifically HA and Garxajis.Only got one Darood from Bosaaso.So Isaaq in my mind is its own unique ethnic group despite varying Y-DNA lineages
Tell me then why don't I have Hawiye or Darood relatives? All my Somali relatives are Isaaq or Dir or Ethiopian! I even have Egyptian relative but no Southies Mashallah.I have no blood relations with Konfurians.#BlessedLol, your origin myth has been uterrly btfo, Isaaq never existed and your subclans don't share common paternal descent.
About a third of my relatives are Isaaq, the other third Hawiye, and the other Darood, with a few Dirs here and there since they aren't that well represented. The only way you'd know their qabiils is if you PM them which takes quite a while.
I'm e1b1b banu hashim,stay jelous gReally sticking to your guns
Well nigga I aint HJ,you talking to a Pure Habar Awal.No harti blood in me alxamdulilahevery habar jeclor has darood mother or grandparent
Yes they are a fellow Isaaq,but what does them intermarrying with Harti doros have to do with me tho? I only have HA and Garxajis bloodthey are your Fellow issaq