D&M are trying to control Puntland's politics

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Who are D&M? somalia is a mess. If even puntland and somaliland let more immigrants in like oromos and yeminis and south somalis that support al shabaab, then the whole country will descend into chaos and i will give up on it entirely.

Somaliland and puntland need to make peace, set up and economic treaty and build a border wall to divid the north from the south until the south destroys al shabaab.


These Robow Jrs need to be deported, the fact that they are asking for political power in a state they are not only guests in but are also producing terror in shows how shameless they are. They should go back home to SWS and Gedo.... Puntland should seal the border and implement strict immigration, we should only accept the best of the best and all able bodied men should be returned back to liberate the land they destroyed.
From a SL brother.
Maybe Puntland should try to control this people better and restrict their "freedom" in some areas. But you can't tell them to leave or you have to stop this double faced game and tell us that what everyone knows, that you are seccionists.

Autonomous until Somalia handles its business but whilst D&M and others are refusing to go home and free their lands, that may take some time.
These Robow Jrs need to be deported, the fact that they are asking for political power in a state they are not only guests in but are also producing terror in shows how shameless they are. They should go back home to SWS and Gedo.... Puntland should seal the border and implement strict immigration, we should only accept the best of the best and all able bodied men should be returned back to liberate the land they destroyed.

If our boys and GIRLS can defend our land, so can they.

Well put.

Able-bodied UNEMPLOYED D&M need to go free their gobols instead of asking for ours.

The nerve. :gucciwhat:
These Robow Jrs need to be deported, the fact that they are asking for political power in a state they are not only guests in but are also producing terror in shows how shameless they are. They should go back home to SWS and Gedo.... Puntland should seal the border and implement strict immigration, we should only accept the best of the best and all able bodied men should be returned back to liberate the land they destroyed.

They are not in GEDO , There is a reason why Gedo has FGS army base and troops being trained. We screen and keep a close Eye on D&M lowering the number of shaytaans as well as kicking out the shaytaans which we did by kicking out a large majority of able bodied (D&M) men. Rer Bakool are the enemy of south Somalia progress at the moment unfortunate.
Who are D&M? somalia is a mess. If even puntland and somaliland let more immigrants in like oromos and yeminis and south somalis that support al shabaab, then the whole country will descend into chaos and i will give up on it entirely.

Somaliland and puntland need to make peace, set up and economic treaty and build a border wall to divid the north from the south until the south destroys al shabaab.

Somali tribes from South-West Somalia who are grouped under a banner called D &M. Some are not ethnic Somalis, like the Bantus etc.

They speak AF-MAAY.

Most of them, if I am not mistaken, are Raxanweyn, nicknamed "Eelaay".


They are not in GEDO , There is a reason why Gedo has FGS army base and troops being trained. We screen and keep a close Eye on D&M lowering the number of shaytaans as well as kicking out the shaytaans which we did by kicking out a large majority of able bodied (D&M) men. Rer Bakool are the enemy of south Somalia progress at the moment unfortunate.

Hmm then why does it say this town belongs to them?

Hmm then why does it say this town belongs to them?


They have long been pushed out, only a few non male household are left and even these are being scrutinized as the Wifes and young children left are associated unfortunately with Shaydaans. The whole reason Gedo is not fully peaceful like Nugaal Puntland Somaliland Ect is because Luuq borders bakool and SWS but the main problematic gobols are bay iyo bakool.

Its sad i am getting more racist i NEED to stop that but the problem is super obvious and more people will start to see it. You stop the D&M brainwashing by not ignoring the problem ,

1st developing bay iyo bakool and being a bit tougher on there fighting age men (like airport are on muslims) and i can swear the problem of shaytaans will then slowly go away.
They have long been pushed out, only a few non male household are left and even these are being scrutinized as the Wifes and young children left are associated unfortunately with Shaydaans. The whole reason Gedo is not fully peaceful like Nugaal Puntland Somaliland Ect is because Luuq borders bakool and SWS but the main problematic gobols are bay iyo bakool.

Its sad i am getting more racist i NEED to stop that but the problem is super obvious and more people will start to see it. You stop the D&M brainwashing by not ignoring the problem ,

1st developing bay iyo bakool and being a bit tougher on there fighting age men (like airport are on muslims) and i can swear the problem of shaytaans will then slowly go away.

It's not racist or even qabiilist.

Most Alshaydan soldiers are D&M, this is a well-known fact.
Their young unemployed males need to be monitored or enlisted in the Somali army.

Allowing them free, uncontrolled movement anywhere in Somalia is dangerous.
@Farm Rahanweyn live in big numbers in Gedo and Middle Jubba. check this extensive NGO report out: http://www.refworld.org/pdfid/3ae6a5bd0.pdf

Historically Luuq and Bardera belongs to them and MX are newcomers brought in from Ethiopia.

You can see in Luuq MX Union gained a seat so you can stop this fake news that MX are newcomers. Its not simple true. But Rahanweyn lives all over Gedo anyone who denies this have never been in that region.
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Somali tribes from South-West Somalia who are grouped under a banner called D &M. Some are not ethnic Somalis, like the Bantus etc.

They speak AF-MAAY.

Most of them, if I am not mistaken, are Raxanweyn, nicknamed "Eelaay".
I think you are right They should behave instead of becoming terrorists (if it is true, Allah knows) but you are talking about them like their are foreigners. Secondly i can't imagine that some elay refugees, which are among the poorest people in somalia, can come into the most stable region in Somalia and causing so much trouble without support of some Harti Elite


I think you are right They should behave instead of becoming terrorists (if it is true, Allah knows) but you are talking about them like their are foreigners. Secondly i can't imagine that some elay refugees, which are among the poorest people in somalia, can come into the most stable region in Somalia and causing so much trouble without support of some Harti Elite

They aren’t supported by anyone from PL to attack PL because that doesn’t make sense, what has been proven is since they are so poor they are paid by businessmen from Galnus to attack PL.


Saturday Majerten: "Federalism is the law of the land"

Sunday Majerten: "Haha we brought Federalism, play by our games in your gobol"

Monday Majerten: "Why do D&M want political representation in our state. They should not interfere in other people's affairs. Focus on your region"

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Saturday Majerten: "Federalism is the law of the land"

Sunday Majerten: "Haha we brought Federalism, play by our games in your gobol"

Monday Majerten: "Why do D&M want political representation in our state. They should not interfere in other people's affairs. Focus on your region"
This is exactly what somali federalism means mudane, focus on your region.:gucciwhat:

I have no say in Bay N Bakool and likewise for them or anyone else in PL :gucciwhat:

We only meet at the federal level in Xamar.
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