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I don't always agree with harsh measures, but a serious example needs to be made of these rapists. Anyone who thinks of doing this shit in Somalia should remember what they did to these 5 as an example.
I don't always agree with harsh measures, but a serious example needs to be made of these rapists. Anyone who thinks of doing this shit in Somalia should remember what they did to these 5 as an example.
I'd say castrate them cut 2 legs and a hand or 2 hands and a leg and let them live in misery. Killing them is too easy I think.
They should bring them tied up to the girl they tortured, and raped. She should be given a sharp sword, shut the door. Then, let that pic 'circulate'.
Sex offender list and a jail sentence would be more than adequate punishment in the West but seeing tho that it's somalia and none of that shit exists... they should break a few broom handles in their ass and call it even
Sex offender list and a jail sentence would be more than adequate punishment in the West but seeing tho that it's somalia and none of that shit exists... they should break a few broom handles in their ass and call it even

You are sick person
Why? Sodomy is ok when it's done to innocent girls but not to rapists?

There is law and order we are not bunch of savages animals. Those rapists will be dealt according to our religion laws or according to the civil law. Although I prefer in this case Islamic law to set an example from them.


cismaan maxamuud
Sex offender list and a jail sentence would be more than adequate punishment in the West but seeing tho that it's somalia and none of that shit exists... they should break a few broom handles in they should shove a cactus up their ass and call it even


cismaan maxamuud
Furthermore they should be outcasted from society and treated the same way a girl that has been raped is treated in somalia at the moment .
There is law and order we are not bunch of savages animals. Those rapists will be dealt according to our religion laws or according to the civil law. Although I prefer in this case Islamic law to set an example from them.
:comeon: :comeon:

Lady what law and civility are you talking about. A camel payment is not a proper deterrent to rapists. Neither is banning them from the land for a year according to shariah. Either execute them in broad daylight, or give them a lesson they will never forget
:comeon: :comeon:

Lady what law and civility are you talking about. A camel payment is not a proper deterrent to rapists. Neither is banning them from the land for a year according to shariah. Either execute them in broad daylight, or give them a lesson they will never forget

Their punishment according to religious law is cutting one hand and feet or killing them for spreading corruption in earth. The religious laws are very harsh.
Their punishment according to religious law is cutting one hand and feet or killing them for spreading corruption in earth. The religious laws are very harsh.

La xawla, in what universe is dismembering hands less barbaric than sodomy. Either way this is Somalia so we know what the reality will be. The perpetrators will pay a measly cattle price and continue raping while the girl gets permanently outcasted and shamed by her community for falling to such a crime


Queen of the light

La xawla, in what universe is dismembering hands less barbaric than sodomy. Either way this is Somalia so we know what the reality will be. The perpetrators will pay a measly cattle price and continue raping while the girl gets permanently outcasted and shamed by her community for falling to such a crime
There is no hope for somalia it's a failed stare with where every evil hides, no harsh punishments will stop these men they will continue their sick parade. I wish we could just train our women self defence these bastards !!

La xawla, in what universe is dismembering hands less barbaric than sodomy. Either way this is Somalia so we know what the reality will be. The perpetrators will pay a measly cattle price and continue raping while the girl gets permanently outcasted and shamed by her community for falling to such a crime

They could be bisexual and like the sodomy but cutting one hand is clear message to the rest of youth in country of similar fate. The rapists would remember forever of its crime. The missing hand also will remind his society about his crime.
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