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They could be bisexual and like the sodomy but cutting one hand is clear message to the rest of youth in country of similar fate. The rapists would remember forever of its crime. The missing hand also will remind his society about his crime.
You're off your meds. I was being hyperbolic about the broom handle thing but I think you genuinely believe dismembering the limbs of minors is a just and acceptable way of curbing rape. The problem is cultural and economical, you can't expect it to go away by cutting a few hands :mindblown:

There is no hope for somalia it's a failed stare with where every evil hides, no harsh punishments will stop these men they will continue their sick parade. I wish we could just train our women self defence these bastards !!
Real talk. I'm thinking if going there and handing out tazers to every girl in the tol :hmm:
You're off your meds. I was being hyperbolic about the broom handle thing but I think you genuinely believe dismembering the limbs of minors is a just and acceptable way of curbing rape. The problem is cultural and economical, you can't expect it to go away by cutting a few hands :mindblown:

Real talk. I'm thinking if going there and handing out tazers to every girl in the tol :hmm:

You are dumb person


Queen of the light
You're off your meds. I was being hyperbolic about the broom handle thing but I think you genuinely believe dismembering the limbs of minors is a just and acceptable way of curbing rape. The problem is cultural and economical, you can't expect it to go away by cutting a few hands :mindblown:

Real talk. I'm thinking if going there and handing out tazers to every girl in the tol :hmm:
Fantastic idea ! handing women guns as a measuremt lf ultimate protection of which they can whip out and shoot unexpected men, those who approach women and make them feel uncomfortable. Just point the gun towards their forehead and hey presto total submission.
s and their false sense of "civility"

You used the term s and you are , then your according to your word your mum is (female dog) and your dad is monkey. And you are ugly hybrid deformed animal that doesn't belong to any world (European or Somali society). No wonder you are self hater. As for me I am Somali not like you.
You used the term s and you are , then your according to your word your mum is (female dog) and your dad is monkey. And you are ugly hybrid deformed animal that doesn't belong to any world (European or Somali society). No wonder you are self hater. As for me I am Somali not like you.
We are all s. No special snowflakes
"We are civilised, we are not savages like Ethiopians"

>circumcises daughter and sells her off for 3 camels

genocide when?

Ethiopian circumcised their daughters and instead of marrying her off, the men kidnapped the girls and after raping them they are forced to marry their rapists.
You used the term s and you are , then your according to your word your mum is (female dog) and your dad is monkey. And you are ugly hybrid deformed animal that doesn't belong to any world (European or Somali society). No wonder you are self hater. As for me I am Somali not like you.
Just because your dervish ancestors were religious zealots doesn't mean you have to follow suit.
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