dagaal near Lughaya

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Sacad Muse telling the government elections won't take place their until the grievances of the locals are met............
lughaye is reer borama land.iidoorku need to vacate the land


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The last town Issaq have on the west is Ceel Sheekh which is why the kacaan made it the border between Awdal and Woqoyie Galbeed. This is what happens when you join an entity in which you are a second class citizen. Gadabursi are about to lose their main degmo on the coast. This was the plan all along, to make them fight with Cisse over Zeila and then take Lughaya as they are not watching. The border between Awdal and Woqoyie Galbeed was one of the least contested ever, which is why even Cigaal did not overturn it, although it was one of the last ones made.
Northern Somalia needs war

@Thegoodshepherd what about Harti lands getting stolen by Isaaq like caynaba and ceerigaabo at least those gadabiirsi have something in Somaliland warsans and dhulos are literally adoomo

To the gadabiirsi ... isaaq dnt treat you fair and to dhulos .... mj dnt care and isaaq and mj kill you.

The door in Xamar is always open for our unionists friends in Northern Somalia


Everything is not as black and white as it seems. Gadabursi have some villages
in north Gabiley district such as Cali Xaydh and also SM have some villages in
Lughaya coastal district as well. The current dispute is about SM wanting to add
their villages back to Waqooyi Galbeed and not come under Lughaya district.

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The last town Issaq have on the west is Ceel Sheekh which is why the kacaan made it the border between Awdal and Woqoyie Galbeed. This is what happens when you join an entity in which you are a second class citizen. Gadabursi are about to lose their main degmo on the coast. This was the plan all along, to make them fight with Cisse over Zeila and then take Lughaya as they are not watching. The border between Awdal and Woqoyie Galbeed was one of the least contested ever, which is why even Cigaal did not overturn it, although it was one of the last ones made.

"Awdal" has always been part of Waqooyi Galbeed until Siad Barre rewarded the Samaron for their support during the mid 1980s,........just because it was carved out for them doesn't mean they are the only ones who settle there.......as a matter of fact the Samaroon never had access to the sea the ciise settled from djibouti to close to bulaxaar where they use to clash with SM in the late 1800s from reports by the britishso where was the samaron then?......when djibouti was granted independence majority of them migrated there and the Samaron moved up filling in finally accessing the sea but we still share borders with the small amount of ciise left near Cabdi Gedi, Ceel lahay, and Ceel sheikh all settled by the SM but are being claimed by the Samaron because they just happen to be part of old awdal broders but now should be included in Maroodi jeh because that is what the majority of the locals want.......Reason why Cigaal and Dahir riyale left it alone was because they both knew it was a touchy subject so they just ignored it even the recent elections that took place in 2012 didn't happen there......so no there is no grand sinister plan to make them lose anything when they didn't even have it in the first place........


Prince of East Africa
Samarone need to learn a lesson from the Jibril Abokor,we will f*ck them up and nothing that HJ govt can do to stop us.They try anything funny not only will we clear them from Lughaye but from Boorama itself.This is between JA and no other Isaaq not even other Sacad Muuse should have a say.Time for war to expand our territories

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Northern Somalia needs war

@Thegoodshepherd what about Harti lands getting stolen by Isaaq like caynaba and ceerigaabo at least those gadabiirsi have something in Somaliland warsans and dhulos are literally adoomo

To the gadabiirsi ... isaaq dnt treat you fair and to dhulos .... mj dnt care and isaaq and mj kill you.

The door in Xamar is always open for our unionists friends in Northern Somalia

You can take them so called unionists because our sovereignty is uncompromising. We don't mind sending them with the boats that dock from yemen. :denzelnigga:


Suldaanka Gobyare
Fucking Habar Anus. Saacida Muuse your yaryar in Lughaya. Samaroon own you there.

CrazyDhiloyahay stop switching accounts like a and tell your cousins to start a large scale dagaal I look forward to it, it will destroy the peaceful image of Disneyland and increase Gadabursi midnimo.


Prince of East Africa
@Rooble this Jibril Abokor not Sacad Muuse.Jibril Abokor could finish your entire clan in a matter of months if other Isaaqs and SLand govt dont hold us back.We will burn you and your women alive and expand our land.The children of Abokor indeed blessed,we shall see more of this.Garacbursi are to small and are being protected by the pussy govt in hargeisa.They should let us lay waste to y'all.Alxamdulilah we still have men with balls willing to kill a couple Garacbursi


Suldaanka Gobyare
Crazydhilo no one knows Jibril Abuxaar stop begging for recognition you limpwristed .

25 years and this is the best your clan could come up with. What is all this talking? Then do it make a call! Dhiladii ku dhuustay was!

Time is ticking.

Because soon you won't have a advantage anymore.
Fucking Habar Anus. Saacida Muuse your yaryar in Lughaya. Samaroon own you there.

CrazyDhiloyahay stop switching accounts like a and tell your cousins to start a large scale dagaal I look forward to it, it will destroy the peaceful image of Disneyland and increase Gadabursi midnimo.

Steady-on there fella :lebronwait:let's leave somaliland out of this

Arintan waxay u dhaxaysa wa HA iyo gadabursi not somaliland vs gadabursi

Keep in mind we have as much rivalry for HA as gadabursi does, I think you know who Garxajis will support if anarchy ever ensues on dhulka hooyo :lol:
"Gadabursi midnimo" :drakekidding:

That shit didn't help you when aboo siyaad's forces where with you in 1991.......what makes you think you can do anything now? :lol:

Lughaya is ours and there is nothing you can do about it.....no more are we going to sit aside and appease your folks because the gov't has been telling us to keep quite for the last quarter century......we about to start drinking shaah again in Zeila like the old days.... :deargod:


Prince of East Africa
Nigga how sad is that a tribe cant even fight a subsubsub clan of Sacad Muuse with whole province of Gabiley,forget about all Isaaq nayaa.We always had advantage over your ancestors who used to walk around with one dacas and were hungry with no horses.My JA ancestors conquered all of Gabiley we will add Awdal to our possesions.May Allah bless the Abokor conquerors!


Suldaanka Gobyare
Gadabursi under Siad didn't do anything saaxib. They were disoriented, disunited , neutral and illprepared. Only when it comes to fighting ajnabi were they willing to sacrifice blood like in Soomaali Galbeed. but in Awdal they were disorientated, it's because they believe too much in Somalinimo and are too reer Magaal.

Habar Anus what is all this talking start dagaal then. Destroy the quest for recognition. So the other Habars can get pissed.

As always your head in your ass, fucked by your own system.

25 years sxb , clock is ticking.

Worst case scenario AMISOM in the North. :damn::chrisfreshhah:
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Prince of East Africa
SuldaanSeven, warya as a Isaaq either support or stay neutral.You lucky aint gonna cuss you off since you also have Ciidigale blood.For now stfu walaal!
As for Garacbursi Rooble,this isnt about Habar Awal,it's between JA and you peasants.This incident is a warning,know your place or else you will end up in a situation with all of Gabiley sending men to take over Borama and helping Cisse take Saylac.Know your place!
We will have revenge for what you have doe during Siad Barre time,we will execute your men in the center of Borama,marry your women and take your homes.This is a warning,,your people dont want to put themselves in harms way!
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