lughaye is reer borama land.iidoorku need to vacate the land
The last town Issaq have on the west is Ceel Sheekh which is why the kacaan made it the border between Awdal and Woqoyie Galbeed. This is what happens when you join an entity in which you are a second class citizen. Gadabursi are about to lose their main degmo on the coast. This was the plan all along, to make them fight with Cisse over Zeila and then take Lughaya as they are not watching. The border between Awdal and Woqoyie Galbeed was one of the least contested ever, which is why even Cigaal did not overturn it, although it was one of the last ones made.
Northern Somalia needs war
@Thegoodshepherd what about Harti lands getting stolen by Isaaq like caynaba and ceerigaabo at least those gadabiirsi have something in Somaliland warsans and dhulos are literally adoomo
To the gadabiirsi ... isaaq dnt treat you fair and to dhulos .... mj dnt care and isaaq and mj kill you.
The door in Xamar is always open for our unionists friends in Northern Somalia
Fucking Habar Anus. Saacida Muuse your yaryar in Lughaya. Samaroon own you there.
CrazyDhiloyahay stop switching accounts like a and tell your cousins to start a large scale dagaal I look forward to it, it will destroy the peaceful image of Disneyland and increase Gadabursi midnimo.