dagaal near Lughaya

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Gadabursi under afweyne were lapdogs.....literally...... along with the midgaans your clan supported him more than other darood subclans like the MJs almost us if you were a darood :lol: because he counted on the support of langaabs......the last remnants of the army retreated to dilla and Borama because they were government supported strongholds where the SNM western brigades consisting mostly of Jibril Abokr milittias crushed them there......I swear this SL project is the only thing keeping us from expanding our land like the Hutus do in the south under the disguise of anarchy.....I have no doubt we would be disputing Borama today if SL didn't exist as a state forcing us to keep up this appearance of peace....sometimes I think SL is a curse placed on us :meleshame:


Suldaanka Gobyare
LMFAO Again the small Jibril Abuxaar Bantu brain talking. Don't beg your clan again.

Wallahi if it wan't for Samaroon Siciid you would probably be eating dirt from the ground. Know who civilized your dirty ty reer.

Don't begin about women, because a Samaroon woman is worth 100 Habar Anus es. Low quality hookers that even get fucked in Jamaica.

Undertaker hop on your original account walaasha siilkeed.

Delusion of grandeur is real.

They think their reer are Supersaiyans or something. :chrisfreshhah:

Only thing that gives a clan the upper hand over the other is military equipment/hardware and funding Somalis have the same physique.

You have the advantage now but not taking it. Fucked by your own system like a dirty dhocil. Beesha Habar Anus Caqli malahan.


Prince of East Africa
SLand project is like an invisible leash,if it weren't there,so many CrazyWadaads would have been fighting on the frontlines watching Garacbursi militias run like naago.We must make an alliance with Cisse who could also get support from their brethren in Djoubiti,they can take Saylac their hometown while we take Boorama.While the Sland govt can add Boorama to the Gabiley region officially on paper.
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