Dahab Tower is about to collapse I fear!

Bro sometime contractors keep building even if they have seen earlier warning signs it an isue of ethics.

:bell:The things I saw back home, so many buildings need to be condemned. Literal death traps. Somalia needs construction and health and safety legislation asap. Because then, the owners themselves will be the ones rushing to do a poor job and will then be liable and can be sued.
Inquisitive minds and eyes almost always spot flaws, or gaps, and might not be able to explain, but could raise the alarm; deviation from original blueprints tends to wreak havoc on structural projects, like the CitiCorp Centre, unless of course the angel in the form of Ms Hartley arrived on sight, a calamity would have befallen NY. Imagine if LeMessurier, Chief engineer was the haughty type to have ignored her lowly query.

If anyone knows anyone at one of the local schools of engineering, or the owners of the building, or the construction foreman, do alert someone, for structural engineering 101 would suggest there is something wrong in the picture, unless of course the image was tampered with to appear as if.

Like the Potomac bridge in Seattle, the CitiCorp Centre is taught in first year of Structural engineering.

Tower Barely in Chicago is a great project in structural engineering to study

Burj Khalifa is a modern marvel and a brilliant case study in ingenuity in Structural engineering.

101 Structural engineering
:bell:The things I saw back home, so many buildings need to be condemned. Literal death traps. Somalia needs construction and health and safety legislation asap. Because then, the owners themselves will be the ones rushing to do a poor job and will then be liable and can be sued.
:bell:The things I saw back home, so many buildings need to be condemned. Literal death traps. Somalia needs construction and health and safety legislation asap. Because then, the owners themselves will be the ones rushing to do a poor job and will then be liable and can be sued.
Which part of somalia u are talking about. I only know xamar since i am from their also our famiky is involved in constraction business i myself i am civil enginering student. But what i can tell u is that in xamar they are limited companies who get 99% of big project like high rising building its very competative if u are newbie engineer or architect rought to win contract as i said most of those companies are top quality yes. But they are some clients who dont want to pay high fees since big companies require that but in return u get reliable house but rememebr as i said it depends with the client its not that we dont have good engineers some clients want cheap house and they go for poor engineers who arenot ethical just to get job done if u want any house in the future let me know i conect to good engeering firm