Dahir alasow iyo somalidiid maxa kala heesto bal eega meeshan waa billahi towfiq

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Hawdian @waraabe peep how Isaac are being bought like sheep in suuqa bakaraha in Mogadishu :faysalwtf:

They sold their icitiraaf for a few bucks like a cheap prostitute



@Hawdian @waraabe peep how Isaac are being bought like sheep in suuqa bakaraha in Mogadishu :faysalwtf:

They sold their icitiraaf for a few bucks like a cheap prostitute View attachment 9863


Sorry to destroy your dream, but waraabe is a troll and nobody takes him serious. :childplease:

The next president is Mussa Biix AKA the faqash killer. :denzelnigga:


When he gets into power, there will not be a single faqash in sanaag nor sool. :banderas:


He will completely eradicate faqash and properly destroy puntland if they try to step foot in Somaliland border. :damedamn:

Darood are going to take the biggest L including Ethiopia the Isaaq in hawd will completely flood into faqash lands. :susp:

Darood are going to be erased. :lolbron:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Sorry to destroy your dream, but waraabe is a troll and nobody takes him serious. :childplease:

The next president is Mussa Biix AKA the faqash killer. :denzelnigga:

View attachment 9864

When he gets into power, there will not be a single faqash in sanaag nor sool. :banderas:


He will completely eradicate faqash and properly destroy puntland if they try to step foot in Somaliland border. :damedamn:

Darood are going to take the biggest L including Ethiopia the Isaaq in hawd will completely flood into faqash lands. :susp:

Darood are going to be erased. :lolbron:
What do you make of Isaac being sold like cheap prostitutes in Mogadishu?



I heard one hawiye man is responsible for three idoors xildhibaans that he bought :mugshotman:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Kkkkkkkkkkk wallahi o billahi baan ku dhaartee something feels deeply wrong and unsettling about seeing @Cognitivedissonance use all these smilys, like its a whole different person
Waa kharbashaya Somalidiidka balaan weeye sidi shaag biibii ba madaxaha ka dul Marin by the time I'm done with them I promise you they'll be singing the Somali national anthem


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Muuse Biixi is not gonna touch the non Isaaqs, whoever thinks their warlord is gonna do dirt are living in the wrong century


Your superior
Muuse Biixi is not gonna touch the non Isaaqs, whoever thinks their warlord is gonna do dirt are living in the wrong century

Lol muuse biixi isn't politically correct but he is a somalilander and will respect all somalilanders whatever their qabiil is.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lol muuse biixi isn't politically correct but he is a somalilander and will respect all somalilanders whatever their qabiil is.
Muuse bixi daughter is from Birmingham I know someone who knows her personally, I promise you I'll find her and waa ku biyo bixi change her last name to darood after I'm done with her muuse bixi will be begging me to help him save face when I refuse to marry her after impregnating her :fittytousand:


Your superior
Muuse bixi daughter is from Birmingham I know someone who knows her personally, I promise you I'll find her and waa ku biyo bixi change her last name to darood after I'm done with her muuse bixi will be begging me to help him save face when I refuse to marry her after impregnating her :fittytousand:

Ok slightly overweight yo gotti


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
no one cares :mjlol: little focking sneaky Madowten trying to start beef between hawiye and issaq:russ:
Loooool@Madowteen, the same Hutus who cleaned the toilets, go ask your mom who were the family that hired her as a maid? We all know you're all products of the maid and watch man.


Loooool@Madowteen, the same Hutus who cleaned the toilets, go ask your mom who were the family that hired her as a maid? We all know you're all products of the maid and watch man.

Nayaa do you want my gus in your mouth? hope of my nuts, dumb Madowten :birdman:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Nayaa do you want my gus in your mouth? hope of my nuts, dumb Madowten :birdman:

Hope of my nuts? And you've the audacity to call anyone dumb? You dumb, Hutu who probably raped his mom, we all know what you red eyed bastards do in Muqdisho in your past time. How many dicks did you suck to get to New Zealand?


Hope of my nuts? And you've the audacity to call anyone dumb? You dumb, Hutu who probably raped his mom, we all know what you red eyed bastards do in Muqdisho in your past time. How many dicks did you suck to get to New Zealand?
:heh: you still want it huh :umad:
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